Bedside Vigil

Oct 05, 2006 17:53

IC Date: Day 15, Month 7, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Vanya
Location: Infirmary, Late Night
Synopsis: A short piece of fiction that occurs during the long night of watching over E'sere in the Infirmary. Vanya tries to untangle threads that seem to lean only to one person.


The infirmary is divided into two sections. The larger of these is given over to injured dragons and is joined to the bowl by an immense tunnel. No less than six stone couches fill this area, with stations between each for medical supplies and personnel. The other side of the infirmary is for human patients and is furnished with double rows of cots. A large alcove near the exit to the living cavern houses the healers' area, where they store their supplies and can retreat for a moment of quiet before wading into the battle between life and death again.

Minutes stretch into hours as Vanya sits beside E'sere's bed in the semi-darkness with nothing to do but watch and think. To worry. To doubt. Did she do everything she could to save his life? Did she miss an important step, not use enough of something? Was he safe with her here? Could she and Morelenth protect him well enough?

The bronze was finally asleep, his nose resting as close to the bed where his rider lay as physically possible. Vanya had tried to reassure the worried dragon, promised to save his lifemate, but she had no idea if she could do that. Only time would tell. E'sere slept, breathing raspy at times. His vitals seemed good; heartbeat strong, pulse a little fast, but that was because of the fever. His body was throwing off the poison in sweat, in urine. Vanya woke him now and then, urging him to drink water laced with mint and soy powder to soothe his stomach and detoxify his system. To replenish what he'd lost, to purge whatever it was they'd given him.

To kill him like they killed Weyrwoman Yevide. But who?

That question ran round and round inside Vanya's head. Was it D'ven behind this heinous act? It was possible. He /had/ warned her, asked her to stay out of his way until things were over. Saying that what he was about to do was for the good of the weyr. But -- how could killing the best choice for Weyrleader be /good/ for the weyr? Not when High Reaches so desperately needed a strong leader to unite the weyr, to make things as they should be.

And why?

Did D'ven see E'sere as a rival for the Weyrleader's position? Did the Benden rider want power bad enough to kill for it? She recalled conversations, half-remembered words said while she and Dara were drinking with him. Rumors about trouble between D'ven and the Benden Weyrleader. She'd already caught on that D'ven seemed to want to prove something -- but he didn't seem like a cold-blooded killer. Nor did he seem the overly ambitious type, otherwise, wouldn't he have -- what?

Vanya sighed, settling back in her chair, curling up around herself, thoughts dark and frightening. She would be forced to tell the Weyrleadership the /real/ reason behind her meeting with E'sere. Much as she hated to, there was no choice now. Not if her silence meant more threats, more troubles, more deaths. The Weyrleaders would /have/ to act. E'sere was no hated Weyrwoman transfered in from another weyr, he was one of their own.

Who was behind it? Who knew of their planned meeting in her room? Had her conversation with Vey been overheard? Had the girl let it slip to someone? D'ven? Did Vey even know D'ven? Was she one of D'ven's allies in the lower caverns, or just another innocent caught up in this tangled web? More likely the latter. D'ven was a personable man, persuasive, clever. Had he used Vey to find information, then acted? Had Vanya trusted the wrong person? The food delivered to /her/ room proved /someone/ knew. Someone had deliberately laid a trap for E'sere. D'ven?

Much as she hated to think it of the Benden rider, it had to be D'ven. He knew she'd be scared by what he said. He knew she was looking for the missing supplies. Did he ask Vey to conveniently find her in the tunnels, agree to help her, then wait for the right moment to act? D'ven /had/ said things would come to a head soon...

Vanya's head ached, and she closed her eyes -- until E'sere moaned in his sleep. She was instantly beside him, bathing his feverish face, soothing him with soft assurance, tucking the blanket around him where he'd thrown it off. It wasn't until she ran her hand over his body, making sure of his condition that she felt the bulge in his pocket. Her knot. She pulled it gently out, clasped it in one hand. She should have simply said he'd called on her to return it. But ... that was the least of her worries. Once more in the chair, again trying to untangle all the threads of this convoluted situation. Trying to sort it out. Going over and over what she knew, what she didn't know and what she speculated. No matter how many times she replayed events since she arrived, it always ended the same.

At the end of every thread dangled only one name.


vanya, non-rp, thoughts, poison, vigil

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