When I first met the Beloved One - he and I would send songs back and forth via YouTube. They were sometimes the only way we could communicate the intensity of the emotions we were both feeling.
Recently this one came across my Pandora and I just can't stop listening to it. It takes me back to those first days. Ye Gods, I was so scared. I was in so much pain and here was this person promising that he could make it better. I trusted him, I believed in him, even as terrified as I was that he was just a lie.
Click to view
But, somehow he got me through it. I mean, we have our rough moments, yeah. Every couple does. But this song is such a perfect example of how and why I fell in love with him.
In other news. Another love of my life who lives across the fucking world from me was able to come over and have dinner with me last night. It has been so long, and I have missed him so much. I'm so grateful to have had the time with him.
AND!! To top it all off - My girlfriends girlfriends girlfriend is in town and I get to meet her for the first time tonight.
I'm just electrified right now! There is just so much love, and comppersioin and even though I have never met this woman and know absolutely nothing about her I've got this total NRE thing going on. My girlfriends girlfriend and I are so much alike in so many ways. I really just TRUST her taste in women. I mean, of the people that are the most proximal in her life I'm deeply in love with one and I'm in total twitterpation crush land with the other. So if she loves this girl too - than she's got to be pretty wonderful in her own right.
The best part about this is that I've never been given any indication that these feelings aren't okay. Everyone pretty much knows how I feel and that I have absolutely no expectations whatsoever. I just love to be a loving human being, and to be around people who are so worthy of receiving that unconditional adoration.
Some of the best moments in my life over the last few months have been over good conversation, cuddling and bad movies.
I'm so blessed.
My life is heaven right now.