Dec 10, 2009 19:04
Those who know the Beloved One and I are mostly aware that we don't exactly share the same tastes in entertainment. I like my horror and sci-fi, he likes his cop dramas... and only on rare occasions do we find a TV show that we can both get into.
This givez me a sad.
The One show we both got seriously into got canceled after only eight episodes aired.
This givez me an epic sad.
He haz not shown the slightest inclination to watch Terminator: the Sarah Conor Chronicles, Battlestar Galactica, HEROES or Dollhouse with me. Of those two have now been canceled and one is on it's last legs.
HOWEVER! Those last legs involved a guest spot from Summer Glau. The Beloved One caught me watching it and his ears went all perky. He started asking what was going on. I gave him the squinty eyes and furrowed brows and implied that if he had just WATCHED the show with me, he wouldn't have to ask.
He asked how many episodes he'd have to catch up on to watch it with me.
Dollhouse, season 1, disk one; quickly became added to the tippy top of my Netflix queue. We're about to sit down with it shortly.
*warm fuzzies*
domestic bliss