Aug 21, 2009 17:49
So... I have this package of white rice that's been in my pantry for a while... probably since I moved into this apartment, which is going on two years now. I've never used the stuff for two very important reasons. 1) carb coma anyone? and 2) it's the generic rice. The kind you get at food shelves. I've had to use food shelves more than once in my life, so I'm no stranger to this stuff.
I've never been able to get it to cook right. No matter how long I let it sit, the middles of the rice grains were always hard.
Lately the carb comas have become slightly less of an issue. They still need to be monitored and I need to take it easy on excessive carbs, but not so much of an issue.
A few weeks ago, I tried my hand at making my own mango salsa. It was NOM!! It's also AMAZING on chicken!!
But... I had all this cilantro left over.
The Beloved One pipes up and says he should try making the cilantro lime rice they serve at Chipoltle.
Okay... I love this man. No one can throw down a steak or deep fry some chicken nuggets like him. Other than that, and despite the fact that the man is a self-proposed culinary god... he doesn't cook much. I think it has a lot to do with him being accustomed to professional kitchens. My little homey affair probably seems small, understocked with kitchen god utilities... and well... inferior to what he's used to.
Downside 1) I don't get to enjoy his cooking as much as I'd love to. Downside 2) Fresh cilantro will only last in the refrigerator so long.
Wednesday, I picked up some lime juice on the way home. I would have bought fresh limes I've they'd had them.
I've seriously had the cooking bug lately!! And you bet your ass I'm going to try making Samosas at some point.
It should also be noted that a few weeks ago I had been complaining to the beloved one that I could never get that rice to cook right... Which is when he pointed out that there are instructions on the bag, and I'd been doing it wrong all along. O.o
Well... what do you know... follow the instructions on the bag... perfect fucking white rice.
Chop in the leftover cilantro, squirt in some lime juice, crack in a little black pepper and HUZAH!
I have no idea if it's' like the stuff they serve at Chipoltle... but with a little sprinkle of chili powder on top... I have to say it's pretty damn NOM.
go me
domestic bliss