Jan 24, 2005 21:48
should be working on my history paper...stupid people made me change my topic after i had already written and whole paper on something completely different...makes me mad...we have school tomorrow...i kinda didn't want it but i guess it's okay...we have a two hour delay...if i didn't put my fricking paper off then i could have gone to a late movie with my sisters...I still haven't completely done my pre calc homework...stupid limits...i don't think i'll do too well on the final...i don't remember much...my memory span is limited...just like the stuff we are learning now...
finals are going to suck...i'm not looking forward to them...i have a chem lab tomorrow for my lab and i don't know what i'm going to do...we have to identify two unknowns...and now because we have a stupid two hour delay i will only get a shortened period and a day to do my lab...i wonder if that will be enough time...
boys are annoying me...one in particular...don't wanna get into it...i wanna go run but i think it is still snow drizzling...no bueno...they should just cancel school tomorrow... maybe it will blizzard tonight and no one was predicting it...hmmm...only in my dreams i guess...now i actually want the snow...i didn't do any work...i still have to read frankenstein...do you think 50 pages out of 450 or so...
I should go..maybe i could knock out the one and a half pages of BS... no bueno...