1.) Name? emily
2.) Birthplace?: Santa Monica, CA
3.) Zodiac Sign?:whats that?
4.) Best match for you?: A guy who's smart, funny, hot, and understanding.
5.) Nationality?: American & Mexican
6.) What
time is it?:7:48pm
7.) Are you sensitive?:umm i dont think soo but who knows?
8.) Where do you live?:Westchester, CA
9.) Give your life to save a stranger's life?: Ummm, maybe?
10.) Dance naked in a busy street all day for a million dollars? y not plus i'd get a million dollars
11.) Give your last dollar in your wallet to someone who really needed
it?: yes
12.) Kiss a stranger?: i dont wanna sound shallow but i think i would only kiss him if he was hott
13.) Lie to spare someone's feelings?:i think ive already done that
14.) Eat
food you normally wouldn't to spare the person that made it's
15.) Called you?: cooper
16.) Slept in your bed?:um, me
17.) Saw you cry?:i have no idea
18.) Made you cry?: ?
19.) You shared a drink with?:my aunt
20.) You went to the
movies with?:cooper
21.) You went to the mall with?:my aunt
22.) Yelled at you?:My mom
23.) Sent you an email?: rich
24.) Lost a loved one?:yes
25.) Said something you didn't mean?yea
26.) Taken a picture of yourself with a milk moustache and sent it to
milk people?:eww no i hate milk!
27.) Said "I
love you" and meant it?:yes
28.) Gotten into a fight with your dog/cat?:no...im not that weird and besides i dont have a dog or a cat
29.) Been to New York?:no :(
30.) Been to Florida?:no
31.) California?:yea i live in california
32.) Hawaii?:no:(
33.) Mexico?:yea...im mexican
34.) What countries have you been to?:
35.) What countries do you want to visit?: everywhere especially CANADA!!!!!!!!!!hannah we're still
moving their rite?
36.) Danced naked?: no
37.) Had a dream about something really weird and it happens the next
38.) Stalked someone?:no..but i am being stalked now
39.) Had a mud bath?:yea i really have had a mud bath!
40.) Wished you were the opposite sex?: nooo
Had an imaginary friend?:yea farlo hes sitting next to me and hes not imaginary ok! hes real!
43.) Apples or Bananas?Apples
Red or Blue?:red
45.) Backstreet Boys or N-Sync?: well since i neva liked da backstreet boys... n sync
Walmart or target?: target!
47.) Spring or Fall?: both
Santa or Rudolph?: Rudolph he can fly!
4.) What are you gonna do after you finish this?: probably sit in the dark in my room and stare at the wall lol
.) What was the last meal you ate?:dinner
51.) High
school or college?:college more options
52.) Are you bored?: ya lol y do u think im answering these stupid questions
53.) How many of your buddies are on-line?: 18 but none that i wanna talk to
54.) Last
movie you saw?:bridget jones 2
56.) Last smell you sniffed?: appple cider
57.) Laughs the weirdest?:not weird but the best would be chloe ok well sometimes she laughs a little odd lol
58.) Funnest?: umm hannah wats more fun than dressing up in her clothes and taking pics?
59.) Who have you known the longest?:brittany AND nicole
60.) Loudest?: hannah?
61.) Funniest?: everyone?
63.) Who is the moodiest?: i cant say but their name starts with an a and ends wiht an a
64.) Craziest?: hannah
65.) Who can you tell most of your secrets to?: hannah! wow this is making me miss my hannah bannana!
66.) Who do you usually go to about all of your problems?: hannah or my mom or my aunt
67.) Name your best buds of all time?: hannah, brittany, chloe, nikki
69.) Do you have a crush on someone?: yea
70.) Do they know?: i wish they did but who knows mayb they do
.) Do you have a bf/gf?:no :(
.) What do you think about Ouija Boards?: wat?
Nicknames?: em,emma,
Hair Color?:Brown
Eye color?:brown
76.) Height?: 5'3"
wait am i..how tall am i?
77.) Pets?: a stupid messy bird
78.) Siblings?:a crazy sister thats gonna kill me in my sleep
79.) Been so drunk you didn't remember that you were there?:no
80.) Taken any illegal substances?:no
81.) Gone out in public in your pajamas?: yea..doesnt everyone?
82.) Missed work because it was raining?: i don't work!
83.) Set any body part on fire for amusement?:no who the hell would do that?
85.) Wanted to hook up with a friend?: yea
87.) Had a crush on a teacher?: eww no
88.) Ever thought an animated character was hot?:no
89.) Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff?: no
Planned your week based on the TV Guide?: no
91.) Prank called someone?: yea, of course
92.) Been on stage?:yes! ahh the stage i
love the stage!
93.) Pepsi or Coke?: coke
94.) Soap?: wat about soap?
95.) Colors?: bright colors
96.) Day or night?:Night
97.) Summer/Winter?:both
98.) Lace or satin?satin
99.) Cartoon Character?:millhouse
100.) Cried?:ye
101.) Cut your hair?:yea
102.) Worn a skirt?: yes i
love skirts!
103.) Been mean?: yea
104.) Been sarcastic?:yes, a lot
105.) Talked to someone you have a crush on?: yea
107.) Fought with your parents?: yea
108.) Wished upon a star?:yea, im wishing on a star rite now
Laughed until you cried?:lol yea
110.) Played Truth or Dare?: yea
111.) Watched a sunrise/sunset?: yea
112.) Went to the beach at night?:yea...it was so much fun
113.) Spent quality
time alone?: yea?
114.) Ate a meal?:yea or i wouldnt be alive
115.) Are you lonely?:ya...
116.) Are you happy?:kinda
117.) Are you talking to someone on-line?: yea but we're not talking a lot
118.) God/Devil?: yea
119.) Love?: yea
120.) The Closet Monster?:yes hes hidding in my closet as type these stupid answers
121.) The Big Bang Theory?:the wat?
122.) Heaven/Hell?: yea
123.) Superstitions: yea!
Chocolate or Vanilla?:vanilla
125.) Who named you?: my parents
126.) When was the last
time you showered?: This morning
127.) What color pants do you have on right now?: im not wearing pants..am i wearing anything? o yea a skirt
128.) What song are you listening to right now?: the song of me typing
129.) What was the last thing that you said on-line?: ''i sound really nice lol''
130.) What is right next to you?: my
printer that doesnt work
131.) What is your
computer desk made of?: wood
132.) What are the last 4 digits in your
phone number?: 1083
133.) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?:i dunno
134.) How's the
weather right now?: chilly
135.) What did you do last night?: play halo at my future husbands house
136.) Did you have a good childhood?: yes
137.) Did life turn out the way you hoped for?:im not sure yet!
138.) What
car do you drive?: I don't drive
139.) Do you like to smile?:yes
140.) What are your future goals?: I wanna b a dancer!
141.) Do you like to dance?:hell yea!
142.) Fast or slow?: both!
143.) Are you too shy to ask someone out?: yea
) Fave clothes brand?: i dont have one
145.) If you could change your name what would it be?: daphane
146.) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?:nope
7.) What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?: i do dumg things all the time
148.) Have you ever saved someone's life?:no
) What will your first son's name be?: i really like the name luke
150.) First daughter?: Daphane
151.) Do you like scary or happy
movies better?:depends if im in the mood for a happy story or a scary one
152.) On the
phone or in person?: in person
153.) Lust or Love?: Love
154.) What are you doing today?: watchin
tv and sleepin
155.) Believe in the afterlife?: yea
156.) Boxers or briefs?: boxers
Friends or Seinfeild?: seinfeild!
158.) Do you have a few close friends, or a bunch of not so close
friends?:few close friends and a bunch of not so close friends