whats having A-LIFE?
with endless paintings, drawings,illustrator, research on this and that,
meeting L just to do more paintings and paintings.
we read articles or know of so-and-so earning $XXXXX or having their own BMs at 23.
im 19 now, holding a dip cert in the tourism fields and trying to figure out my life in art school now.
4 yrs away from that, im running outta time!
i cant imagine myself still sitting here, drinking swiss miss marshmallow and typing away when i hit 23.
will you be part of the shirt-and-tie people or will you still be out there trying to figure out your life?
its how people in Singa competes with every single one out there, they've no idea they're competing so much, its getting hard to survive here.
and tell you what,
humans earn 20bucks an hour just by doing part-time in Aussie.
so, what are we?
Sheens, hurry bring me back to NZ with you. HAHAHAHAHHA
and im gonna see L later for dindin.