This is going to be the MOTHER of all Livejournal entries
So this weekend was AMAZING. We left the church around 4:30ish. Me, Marie, Nick, and Mark talked pretty much the whole way while everyone else watched a movie.
then we stopped about 2 hours into the trip to eat dinner at Wendys
Whitney obviously needed some help eating. This was a retake, but she really did this and me and Alicia stole all the napkins. So for like 5 minutes Whitney had to sit like this. haha But we eventually gave them back.
we drove a few more hours and went through PIGEON FORGE!! That was amazing. haha We screamed the whole way through. We got to the hotel around 10:45 and hung out for awhile before going to our rooms and all the girls having GIRL TIME haha.
me and the amazing mark breedlove. I'm really glad I got to know him better on the retreat. he's HILARIOUS. (I love Jessie in the background. It makes me laugh)
the next day we had bible study and then had free time from after lunch until 4:30ish. Me, Nick, Marie, Jessie, and BK walked around downtown for awhile and everyone went int this stream before lunch. Nick has all those pics. It was hilarious. Sooo much fun. we all fell in and stuff.
And the highlight of the afternoon: I straightened Nicks hair. Everyone was SHOCKED with the outcome and stuff. I had like a crowd of 12 people around and stuff. here are pics
We're twins! Other than my hair is shorter in the front. It looked ALOT alike from the back though.
then here are downtown pics
isn't it cute?! It's a little place we found with Jessie. We started singing "Belle" because it made us think of Beauty and the Beast.
not everyone is cool enough to get trapped in a phone booth
nick found a pony!
awwww how cute! Jessica and BK
if I had a myspace, this would be my pic
So downtown, we went on this ride called The Earthquake. I payed for Nick to go on with me and Marie because he didn't want to pay for it and me and her didn't want to go alone. So he was like, "OH IT'S A DATE WITH SARAH!" so me and Nick were GOING to go on a joke date on the Earthquake. So Mark decides he's going to ride with Marie. Marie ends up in the back row and me and Nick are on the frontrow. Nick started like freaking out about being upfront and stuff. So Mark gets on. Nick grabs him and goes, "SIT WITH SARAH!!! I'M WITH SHIRLEY MARIE!" and goes to the back with her. So Nick is a crappy date. haha Me and Mark rode together. and itgioehgioshfg it was the crappiest ride ever, but there was this giant gorilla thing and Mark is TERRIFED of gorillas and sashkwatch. So it started like at him and he was like freakin out. When the ride ended, I turned (everyone was dead silent at this point) and all the sudden, outside my window, is the gorilla so I scream really loud and Mark sees it and starts like yelling and we're both like freaking out. It was hilarious. So yes, scary earthquake gorillas is definitely going to be in my mind forever and ever.
this is the amazing animal/crocodile/dinosaur I drew on Nick's hand
so now it's story time.
I really didn't want to go swimming that night after dinner. But I went for like literally 3 minutes. So me, Marie, and Jessie went down to Nick and Brandon's room to see if they were ready, and they weren't. They were just going to sit down there and not swim. So, on the way out of their room (which is like 5 or 6 up from ours) Jessie grabs this open bag of oreos and walks outside, then screams, "RUN!!!" to me and marie. So we DASHED down the hallway and slammed the roomkey into the door, but it wouldn't open. So we're like panicking because we know that at any moment, Brandon is going to notice the missing oreos and come to get us. So finally (we're screaming like girls the whole time and stuff) the door opens so we panick and throw them into marie's suitcase and we started going outside. Well, as soon as we step outside, Brandon comes BARRELLING down the hallway and screams, "NOOOOO!!!!!" so we SLAM the door closed and Jessie starts to put the key down her shirt, but that really wouldn't have done any good since they're married and all. So she practically throws it at me and says, "SARAH!! PUT IT DOWN YOUR SHIRT!!!" So I did. So we went down to the pool and stuff and I jumped in on Brian because he's a jerk and stuff. So Nick and Brandon decided to abandon me and go back to their room to play poker. But they told me to come with me. So here I go, not allowed to go in there room and no way to get into mine to change, in soaking wet shorts and a bathing suit top, in the mountains in the middle of January. So we pulled the table outside and I'm like SHAKING because I'm so cold. Mark offered me his pajama pants, but I didn't really want to wear them. haha So I was just cold and failed miserably at learning how to play poker with Nick, Mark, Brandon, and Ryan. The girls came and saved me. So we locked all of us in the room and ate all the oreos. Then I decided it'd be fun to call the guys (It's now like almost midnight). So I did. Nick answered and was like, "hello?" and I screamed REALLLY loud so he does, 'I LOVE YOU TOO! BYE!" and hangs up. So the phone rings again two mintues later and I answered. It's this raspy guy voice and he's like, "Candy were supposed to meet me at the motel candy cane. you're pretty than a mule haired mule." and I was like, "OH A MOTEL! FUN!" and hung up. I then decided we should put the empty oreo tray back into it's wrapper and leave it outside the boys door. So I got these two guys to leave it for me. And when they got it, the boys called back and it was the raspy voice again and he was like, "CANDY CANE! I DIDN'T WANT YOUR OREOS!!!" and stuff. So I said, "GOOD! BECAUSE WE ATE THEM ALL!!" and hung up. I called again as a pretty princess and I was like, "I'm a pretty princess!" and the guy was like, "Oh that's cool. I'm a serial killer!"
I found out at breakfast this morning though, the guy was Mark. Everyone except me thought it was Brandon and I was like, "No. I really think it was Mark." and it was. It was hilarious. I loved it. Like, it's alot funnier if you have been there, but it was hilarious.
We finished up the bible study this morning and went to Pigeon Forge. We all played laser tag and stuff. Our team lost. haha I'm terriable at laser tag. Ahh this morning at the bible study thing, we played improv freeze tag. It was HILARIOUS! omg so funny.
the car ride back today was absolutely hilarious. Oh my gosh, so funny. 7 minutes of video of Mark improving being a 5 year old. and just being crazy like that and stuff. Then: we started a band. Me, Marie, Nick, Ashleigh, and Mark are THE MIGHTY DUCKS!!! We wrote a song and recorded it tonight in the van. It's the BEST! When I have more time, I'll put the lyrics in here and stuff, but we're preforming it Wednesday night infront of the youth group. haha It'll be AMAZING. it's the best song ever!!!!!
I think this is the awesomest pretty princess picture ever. haha The best.
So yes, the retreat was AMAZING!!!!!!!