"Dear Ladies" really isn't a very good way to start a letter to 3 young women, it just makes you sound like a pervy MP. Also I don't know if it's just me but it really irks me when people don't call me by my name, like "yes madame" it's like mate I have a name. Also I don't know whether it's because I'm a twin or what, but the most annoying thing ever is when I get called the wrong name it's like you've been teaching me for a number of years now, the least you could do is learn my name. I'm always getting called Rebecca or Sarah and it's one of the most annoying things ever, I mean I look nothing like my twin, and I really really don't look like Sarah, it's quite insulting to be honest. Another thing is when people address me by my surname, it's one of the many tactics teachers use to try and cover up the fact they they can't tell my twin and I apart. The MP I was talking about the begin with really needs a new secretary anyway, one letter my twin and I are collectively reffered to a misses which I can't find any reasoning behind when Georgia is reffered to as a miss on her own. Then on the next letter Georgia and I and miss and Bex is nothing. However I did like the embossed paper from the house of commons. English literature exam earlier was horrendi.
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