Apr 17, 2008 19:46
This is a survey I have developed for my Sex and the Body Politic class. If you would like to take part in this survey, simply click reply and fill in the spaces. All answers are going to be kept completely confidencial. Please answer truthfully, the results are going to be incorporated into my final paper. This is my final project of the year so, if you take part in the survey I personally thank you for helping me get enough research to aquire a good grade. Just copy the survey and email it to me at kls7@alfred.edu or you can send it to me on myspace www.myspace.com/kt_friends_only.
-Thanks again!
---------------------------Survey -----------------------------------
Age -
Gender -
Are you happy with the way you look?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
[ ] could make a few improvements
Have you ever felt that you weighed too much, weighed too little, didn't have enough muscle mass or that you needed to change something physical about yourself?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
Everyone has moments where they feel self conscious. On a scale from 1-5, where 5 is very self conscious and 1 is barely self conscious, fill in the appropriate number for each situation.
[ ] the mall with a group
[ ] the mall alone or with a friend
[ ] the park
[ ] a party where you know a majority
[ ] a party where you know only a few people
[ ] sitting in class
[ ] hanging with friends
If there is a certain situation that you have been in or are in frequently where you feel very self conscious, please share-
Have you ever though about changing your physical appearance in anyway?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
[ ] in the past
Do you think that people get tattoos, piercings, colored contacts or dye their hair because they are uncomfortable about how they are viewed by other people?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
Have you ever thought about going through with extreme body modification?
[ ] Liposuction
[ ] Implants
[ ] Reconstructive Surgery
[ ] Procedures that are not natural looking [i.e.
fangs, implants under the skin, diamonds mplanted into eyes]
How many hours of t.v.
do you watch a week?
[ ]0-5
[ ]5-10
[ ]10-15
[ ]15+
Which grouping of channels do your most watched programs fall under [even if you don't watch t.v.
[ ]MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, Adult Swim
[ ]Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney
[ ]Discovery Channels, TLC, Animal Planet,
[ ]FX, Spike, TNT, Superstation
[ ]Only local channels or you don't have cable
[ ]Not listed, but I watch -
Have you ever ordered anything from paid programing?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
[ ] almost
If yes, what was it?
If maybe, what were you considering getting?
If you are watching late night t.v. [after 10 pm], you will notice there is quite a bit of paid programing, or that the stations switch to their "late night" commercials.
Which paid programing or "late night" commercials do you think of off the top of your head?
Please add on any additional information that you feel might be relevant to the questions asked. If you want to go into more detail about any of the answers that were yes or no, feel free.
Did one of the questions spark something that I should have asked about? If so, please do tell.