(no subject)

Nov 15, 2005 21:48

>>>>so which is worse? the hunter finally being hunted, which is what should have happened at the beg. of the story? or the bait finally getting released, knowing its just bound to be put in the same situation again?<<<<

>>>>so my wonderful husband is bound to return soon! im so excited....i just want to jump up and down and scream.....lol barely a month and im like a giddy school girl! is it possible to miss someone so much that you can barely stand to be in your own skin? i want him home, lol i want to hug him and smell him and take in everything that is him and just lay there with him and tell him how much i missed him! i also want him to get together with his buddies that he hasent seen in a while....like my bestest buddy steve-o......god i love that man, lol a big brother figure if i can say......a wonderful person who has finally (after like 5 years!) found someone that he can call home.....derek and i are going to dinner with them when he gets back.......steve-o is so geeked that i found a great guy....he said that when derek comes back from 6 months, that he wants to be there with me when i welcome him home! i love that kidd.....lol not as much as i love derek though! <3//<<<<
>>>>so ivonne and i had a blast today.....who knew that two depressed navy wives and a 11 1/2 month old baby could have so much fun?.......we went to my doctors appointment....which by the by went good....i have a mole that they are going to remove in december....oh what fun eh?.....lol good thing my bo will be back to go with me! they want to make sure that its not cancerous.....tarnished that eh?<<<<
>>>>well my suprise for derek is done! the frame and everything.....finally right? i bought a cute outfit to wear for him when he gets home, lol ivonne helped me pick it out! so, we were getting looked at like we were two lesbians today at the hospital! i was like "haha, maybe they think were dykes?" and she was like "oh my god, yeah!".........lol not gay, married to the love of my life and yes, HE has a penis.....<3.....lol maybe if i was 16 and into girls but "homie dont fly that way"......too funny, we thought that derek and mike would get a kick out of that!<<<<
>>>>so i found my wedding dress! yes, finally! it is soooooooooo pretty....only i want my dress black and red....and i want black wings.....yes my husbands fav. colors are black and red and he likes that kind of crap, whatever to make him happy! ivonne and i were drooling over it! but its not going to be a BIG wedding, all together it will cost us $5,000.00 and trust me, we will have wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more then that in savings by the time derek comes back from 6 month cruise.....so that will be like pocket change......but we are having it in my families home town.....and i told claudia that if she could walk by next year then she would be my flower girl, lol she just smiled! ivonne and mike are going to come to it....mostly just family and a few close pals.......and a cruise for the hunnie moon......stellar right>? cannot wait!<<<<
>>>>>well i am off to smoke a cigarette, take a relaxing bath and go to bed.....ugh this weekend i tackle the hallway closet! dun dun dun!<<<<<
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