Feb 08, 2009 14:28
A bit of history for you... I work at my kids elementary school in a Kindergarten class. In the past 2 weeks, the school has had a dozen cases of strep and a half dozen cases of scarlet fever...
On Friday afternoon when I took the kids to my moms, Julian mentioned that his throat was a bit sore. I figured no biggie as mine had been a bit raw for a few days too. My mom called a few hours later to tell me that he was running a fever of 101.5 and she wanted to give him some tylenol. She said she would keep the kids and call me later if Julian's fever went higher (it is not unheard of for him to get to 105 -- brain damage starts at 107). Called me back after he fell asleep around 9 to say that his fever hadn't gotten worse and that his throat was a touch red but not too bad. She had looked up scarlet fever on WebMD so she would know what to look for (love her! <3)
Saturday when I got there to pick the kids up, Julian was not looking so hot. I looked in his mouth.... yep. Red, Patchy, Bumpy.... called current care as soon as we got home to get an appointment. Good news, Dr. Wachsburg who used to be our pediatrician before he dropped his patients for rotations is the on call doctor! So I tuck Julian into bed and take Madyson to a birthday party. Come back from the party and get Julian ready for the doctor.
Spend very little time in the waiting room, a bit longer in the exam room before Dr. Wachsburg shows up. He looks at Julian, declares him sick and asks to look in his mouth (love that he mainly talked to Julian and only looked to me when he needed more info). After a few "Aaahhs" he tells Julian that he will need to take medicine for the next 10 days because he is coming down with strep. Concerned Julian says "Am I catching scarlet fever too?" which Dr. Wachsberg says he is not. 15 minutes in the pharmacy for his Keflex, and home again home again (jiggity jig).
Hopefully none of you who have been around us in the last week have scratchy throats, but if you do... get it checked as it may be strep.