Sep 08, 2004 22:43
Jeff Sahyoun is one of the most influential people that i've ever met. Honestly. He helped me to come to the conclusion that i need to do something with my life. Not that i didn't know that, i mean, i'm pretty sure that we all want to go somewhere in life, but who actually acts upon it. Who says, "Thats enough, i've been acting lazy, i need to do something or think of something." I'm realizing that i'm at that point where i NEED to start thinking about my future before it's too late. Is it really all that bad to be an 18 year old guy in a band who doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows older. No, but i don't want these same thoughts to have to cross my mind again when i'm 21 and then again when i'm 25 and on and on. I've wanted to fill so many different occupation's shoes in the past, such as: Voice over for a cartoon, Paramedic, sound engineer, professional super hero (wink wink), and on and on. I just don't know what my final answer is going to be. I don't want to end up like all of those middle aged men sitting in a cubical 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I mean, at home i'm sure that they are happy, but do they really feel the rush for life that they should? Are they doing what they love and have always dreamed of? If they are sitting behind a cubical, i'd hope the answer is no. Music is where all of my passion is. It's where i can actually feel like i'm an indivisual and where i can rise above everyone else around me. I feel superior when it comes to writing and listening to music ... like i have a special power that nobody else shares. Music is where my heart is and where it's been since the first day i started playing when i was 9 years old. I'm going to give it everything that i have to make it someday. I swear i'll make it, i belive it so much that i can actually close my eyes and see myself there. Thanx jeff :).