(no subject)

Sep 21, 2004 00:46

Aparently I'm not good for any guy......

There has got to be something wronge with me If I cant even keep a guys interest for more then a week.....

I just..... hmm... I dont know.. I have so many emotions pouring out of my eyes... u think u like someone.. and they just..... they just STOP liking you... just like that! All of a suddon.. BAM..... end of friendship... end of what could of been something more.. something better.. something you never dreamed could possibly happen to you... You have your heart filled with so many hopes.. so many dreams... so many desires.... And then they just take a needle and pierce through your heart...... Like nothing existed...... Like evrything that u built up... will never happen...

Then your realise what has been done.. and you cry...shake.. then cry some more.. You wounder how... WHY.. this happens to you.. and you only come up with one reason... your not good enough.... You start to believe what you tell yourself.. making a asumption.... turn into an all true reality... you cant help yourself from woundering............ 'What did i do wronge this time'......

Damn.... I thought things could be different for once... that things were turning up on the bright side..... boy was I ever wrong.... never fall for a friend.... ever.............. You will get screwed...... and you will fall pray to the pain.... the longing.... the truth.... that you will never have them.... that they will never be yours.... and you will never be theirs.... no late night conversations..... no aims till 5 am..... no non stop cute emails.... no holding their hand... no late night movies... together on the sofa.. watching re runs of i love lucy and giligans island... no hugs... no kisses............................ No love.......... For they dont feel the same way......... For they love someone else..... they forgot about your existence..... they dont care about you anymore.... you were a 2 day thing.... now your left with nothing... but false hopes..................
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