They say it's your're gonna have a good time....

Oct 27, 2004 21:00

Just for you Mrs. Lennon..mmmm.hope you likey!

who's the hottie in the corner?



ohh and..

don't forget...

and of course you have to go out singing..."They say it's your Birthday..."

So today was full of fun but had it's embarrassing moments. One being I was writing a letter to Yoko last Friday..and I guess somehow I put the letter in my spanish notebook. Well, yesterday I was working on spanish during my TA class 6th period. Well, I guess it accidentally fell out and they found it. So all during the class people were coming up to me and like..."Brina were you writing to Yoko?" I was like...OH NO, no of course not! Then some other people were like Brina did you get that Beatles thing..whatever it was....ahhh I think I turned 5 shades of red. Then after swimming Dane was there like always getting ready to coach metro and he had this shiny big pen and I was like..ohhh pretty(cause it had this shiny thing on it)..and he was can have it...and I think it was some sort of eppy pen and I felt bad....Gah stupid just saying whatever comes into my head. Then we had our districts banquet for times! We had the freshman put an alka-seltzer under their tongues and take a swig of sprite lol so funny! We ended up doing it too cause it looked like so much we could see who could hold it in our mouths the longest...I won out of the captains soooo pro! Man I have a lot of homework and I am procrastinating so bad...I have senioritis already...ahhhhh! SO EXCITED FOR HALLOWEEN!!!! WOOT WOOT..ohh and Thanksgiving now...woot woot Keavs!

should I do bowling?!?!? hmmm...mommy says not with the daffodil stuff going on..sad times..I could be pro!

Come on Ari or Kels give up and eat food! You make me so sad I think I am eating for both of you now cause I see how hungry you are...I had 2 dinners tonight!

and just for those who don't know...I LUV THE BEATLES! ;)
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