Jan 12, 2011 01:15
Dear Journal,
My stomach is empty and my mind feels like im dipped in a hottub. Yep. Im drunk.
My favorite, a shot of whiskey, a few i say, a shot of whiskey with coke.
And i totally need another. MM.
mmk. right now i am hearing penelope aspire for attention from another random spirit in the room.
so i decide to drink. its better for the soul.
inbetween winter session and spring-spring starting in t-minus 6 days.
jeez im bad i think i need another shot.
well, some internships in play, maybe going to room with my paralleluniverseme/soulmate/buttlover.
*sigh* what a dream.
excited to see old friends.....my cats have a cat tower.
mom still going nuts....weird to see all my favorites leave.....sad to not have had enough time for the people i love.........but alas i really really do appreciate the people that try to stay in my life as i do theirs........
ok done got that out.
(sad i wont see you all, all the time.....but i really do think of you all, all the time ¬.¬.....)
ok really done now.
[says something really amazing]........we all will hopefully live fulfilled lives....and one day possess the one ring.
to rule them all.
miss my buttmates from the last millenia.....or however.........er..
lifes too much. really. i know you all know.....why cant people just chill out? and i live in Scotland and be amazing in trees and fly and shitmunch?/1 and i suddenly posses the flower power of a magical unicorngriffin that can makelove and peace and form universes that save people an create more amazingness wonder?!
ugh if i could only tap into the force righ now...and have ian mckellen save the world...........AGAIN.
looking forward to the future and hopefully the world develop as a whole........
to the future of of the gardens and the polygons. look forward to see you live in my dreams again, foreshadowing......piiizza.