the family

Nov 25, 2004 20:28 slaves who do dances have just hit the big screen....(brought to you by Alexander The Great)

the movie was very good...people should go see o_o (the war scenes draged out a lil but its ok) <--what i did on thanksgiving

pumpkin pie is the soul of thanksgiving...or something..

what am i thankful for? mmm *long pause* my has brought me a long way in life-unlike any other-besides Jerry Mcguire

(in reality)~thanks to you people out there in that small highschool land that have brought the better me out of me!-[ok i dont even think that made sense]-thanks to all my close friends that have done so much for me! from my close long term friends--to my close last year/this year friends! i love you all so much! cheers to our friendships for ever n ever! *cheers nummy sparkling apple cider*

....*chugs apple cider*
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