Jan 02, 2008 01:53
im sitting at my computer
im sad and hungry and totally upset because the pizza i bought for dinner...and one of the few things i had to eat in the house...ended up being half raw and half burnt at the end of the 20 minute cooking period. also bloody period is on its way...i can just feel it. i snapped at a friend, and pissed off my girlfriend and was on the verge of crying, tears forming in eyes. then i heard someone walk up on the porch and knock. i figured it was my tenant because i posted an eviction notice on her doors tonight. i debated answering it, but dabbed my eyes and decided to anyway. to my surprise it was a boy. the boy next door actually...he had locked himself out and had to wait for his mom to get home from a friends house and since circle k locked its doors at 11 forcing him to stand outside he wanted to know if he could wait inside. and since it was practically zero degrees out and snowy i told him sure, cleaned up a quick second, and finished up online.
okay...akward scene for me. complete stranger. in my house. staying for an undetermined amount of time.
and thank the bejeebus he saw my 360 within 2 minutes and we instantly had that common interest. no akward silence or searching for small talk to pass what could be hours. and i got to play with someone :D and i got a new buddy who is on for hours a day playing alot of the games i play. altho it was kinda odd when his mom got home...she came to my house because he left her a post it note(i dont know why he carries post its in his pocket) and she was freaking out saying shes been calling the house all night and on the way home she passed an ambulance. i felt like he was only 5...moms are silly.
and it kinda forced me to flip my mood into a much better one.
:D love you alyssa