Jul 14, 2004 02:18
tonight was so funny hahahah i was seriously laughing for like 2 hours straight ( i had alcohol in me..so maybe it wasnt as funny as i thought..but hey). so we try to kick it with dian and chrizzle(the hottest guys in town...haha) buuut that dosent work out..so we call the backup plan..a huge ass van full of random guys..alisons dad hella didnt want us to leave so he starts hella yelling and alisons like FUCK YOU and we hella ran our asses outside and got in the van...so we think were going to the movies but NO they take us to some house with these fat bitches that keep muggin..so im like hella scared and me ali and jaz are sitting on this couch by ourselfs...so were like .... and then the boys come in and are liek alright lets bounce..so we leave and tucker gets his car and we go to jack and sit there for hella days..but it actually wasnt gay...hahahaha we were prank calling hella people..first we did david..alisons ex and he hella found out it was tucker doing it..that shit was so funny..david and tucker were supposed to fight and stuff...ahhh so funny..so then we come home and tucker INSISTS he takes us to the door..so were like ok bye bye bye bye forever and he finally leaves..so then were in alisons room and he calls us like 50 times..poor guy hahahahaha..ok anyways..so after that, alison starts packing for L.A...that took awhile but omg i cant wait. its gonna be so fun..so we should actually get some sleep...
later alligator
<3 danielle
tucker: hello. i want to buy huuge huge pot i mean vatevah de fuck..a fockin brick of weed for whole neighborhood i smoke out whole block. i be big man joo knoe?
tucker: dees es vlademeir. dont FOCKING ask me questions joo beetch FOCK JOO
tucker: *puts phone down* (omfg you guys he knows its me how the fuck?.....hahahahahah)