Dreaming of Henry Tilney...

Mar 22, 2009 17:02

It started out as a single icon but became a collection of them. I figured, why stop when I finally found a good formula, as it doesn't happen too often. Here are the results of my extremely enjoyable NA icon session from this weekend. ♥

I also changed my header to a Sense & Sensibility one a while ago, so a long overdue S&S icon dump should also be in order. Be warned that some of the S&S icons are quite old. I never got round to posting them here before, and some of them don't look particularly good anymore...


Northanger Abbey

001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008 009

010 011 012

Sense & Sensibility

013 014 015

016 017 018

019 020 021

022 023 024

025 026 027

028 029 030

031 032 033

034 035 036

037 038 039

040 041 042

043 044 045


046 047 048

049 050 051

052 053 054

055 056 057

058 059 060

061 062 063

064 065 066


Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

My new LJ header:

Please c r e d i t if you use any of my creations. Thank you. :)

*graphics: icons, miss austen regrets, period drama, regency fashion plates, northanger abbey, persuasion, sense and sensibility

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