Jul 31, 2007 10:00
this morning i really must make a start on my assignments. i have been so very slack, even though i've been getting other things done (like eating, sleeping, going to work, moaning to friends about how shit i am at everything, etc).
dylan is proving to be a highly entertainng housemate. hge stole a spray painted for sale sign from a pram that sits outside a white trash house on the main road. then when they replaced it, he stole the new signs and left the old sign. this is surely hilarious but i am not convinced they will even notice the difference. it has been suggested he should spray paint "sold" across the sign which would make for a better story i think.
omng, dont eat chips for breakfast it make stomachs feel really wrong. but i do suggest making mushroom and speargrass risotto, with a touch of pesto and shitloads of pepper. it was the BOMB diggity, i swear. even dylan thought it was magnificent, regardless of the fact it contained no animals or animal products. i love this vegan hosuehold where i can spread the joy of plant based foods! mmmm. risotto sounds good right about now!