great hair bill
Home made bar
Tom Collins himself
Alizay & malibu
So it's Sunday night and I should be reviewing some notes for a test that I have tomorrow but that will have to wait. Oh yeah btw I do have to study for a psych test. Ha kinda funny considering I graduated but whatev's. I still wanna do ok in the class. I finally saw Broke Back with Jackie Friday night. I havn't seen her in so long so it was so good to catch up. Plus we had been waiting to see that movie for awhile. It was ok, I thought it was going to be a lot more intense plus they could have cut a few scenes out. Some were meaningless. Yesterday we celebrated my Papa's birthday. So the entire family went to Bacci's for an early dinner. It kinda felt like the holidays with everyone there. Last night we went to Gina's and hung out in her new apt. Sober Sally aka Dawn entertained all the drunks. Today was so relaxing & family came over for dinner. It was kind of a long weekend...but a good one and I'm ready for this next week. Bring it on.