hormone imbalanced barbies and taped on rat-tails...that's hot

May 19, 2005 10:21


wow so it just sort of hit me that today was the last actual day of school (obviously excluding finals). tomorrow is graduation, which i just found out glenn isn't walking ... >.< ... but i'm going anyway because my dad is playing with his former pipe band (Rosie O'Grady's Highlanders...he just recently re-joined Black Thistle). plus i have to give keith back the tape he lent to jon.

man i just got really side-tracked and went to look at the Rosie O'Grady website for like half an hour... ADD?

ooo so tomorrow i have band for two and a half hours or something rediculous like that and then i have my english final and THEN we have band practice. But i think first we are going to go out for lunch or something. To some place nice. Like Subway. Then after practice i have to come home, get ready and go to graduation mit meine eltern.
Saturday i think there's a party and also i have to go shopping with my dad for our trip. Oh plus i need to study for Algebra. I now i hold a 75 C in Iriarte's class thanks to that last stupid quiz. Plus now i have to make up some stupid shit from when i was gone... >.< grrr
Anyway, Sunday, i'm practicing again before our ...

-may 22nd, 7-9 pm
-club 201/dorsan suites lounge, simpson rd off 192 heading towards st. cloud
-bizzarro, PFPB, Paul Bunyan & the Total Assault (that's our band!!!!1)
-rock, punk, pop, alternative, hardcore, spazzcore, fun, kazoos
-$6.00 at the door
-all ages

please come! if you can't get a ride i can help you out, just let me know. ^-^ pleeease

moving on....

I AM SO DONE WITH SCHOOL!_! sam and i both felt like we weighed like 500 pounds today walking everywhere. i can barely even move. walking upstairs was a workout for me, i like broke a sweat. it was disturbing. i'm so unmotivated now, it's crazy. really, i could care less what my damn algebra grade is. i hate that class so much. i hope Statistics is different. to my horror, my genius grandfather said he was not good at statistics; that he and his peers called it "sadistics" when he was FORCED to take it in college. yeah, that scared me a little bit. but then i thought, he's more of an algebra, physics, calculus, type of guy. basically everything he's good at, i suck at, and vice versa. so that made me feel a little better. just a little though.

i got my summer reading list for AP Lang. It was a whole two books long. The Sun Also Rises, by Hemingway, and anything writen by a female american author. yep. i'm excited.

wellll... i'm basically out of things to write about. so i'm going to leave you thinking about this:

Who invented liquid soap, and why?
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