In the past three months, I've had to decide whether to stay in Australia or leave, deal with all the visa nonsense that comes with that decision, I've been effectively terminated from the job I've held the last two years and kicked out of the house I've been living in for approx 18 months, all while attempting to finish and finalise my degree and balance a new relationship.
I've been a bit of a wreck.
If it hadn't been for my incredibly supportive boy, I don't know how I would have held up.
Three months later, and...
My life rocks so hard right now. Let me count the ways:
1. I have a boy that I absolutely adore. Even when we fight. And that MEANS something, people. And word on the street is that it's reciprocal.
2. I'm out of that wretched place I had been living in, and in another place where I feel comfortable and am slowly settling in.
3. I completed my Master's program! I can officially put those little letters after my name (if I wanted to, which mostly I don't.)
4. I have a JOB. Not only a job, but a job I'm really very excited about. AND after their initial offer, I calmly but firmly stated that although I was extremely excited about the position itself, I wasn't happy with what they were offering in terms of salary. They came back with 15K/yr more, and a figure that's approx 10K more than what I'm making now. All pro-rata'd, since I'll only be working 4 days a week, but yo. It is a lot of money. For me.
5. I'm doing casework with asylum seekers one day a week (hence working four). I can't believe my good fortune in being accepted as a caseworker, as this is something I've been wanting to do for a while. AND I still get a job that will (more than) pay the bills.
6. Also, visa stuff has been sorted, so I won't get thrown into detention and/or deported.*
7. And I have a new publication that I'm extremely proud of.
Not to be all ridiculous and gushy and whatnot, but me and the boy's six month is coming up, and we have lots of things to celebrate--in addition to all of that stuff up there, he's also getting a nice payraise**. SO, I'm planning a hot air balloon excursion as a celebratory surprise about a month from now, when (hopefully!) I'll be getting my first paycheck. What do y'all think? Good idea? Totally cheesy and/or crappy? Also, we can either do it over the city of Melbourne or out in the country. What do you think would be the better option? (Keep in mind that he's get to his surprise.)
* Well. Considering that Australia has been known to
deport its own citizens, that statement can only be made with a limited amount of certainty. Also, I like how the papers that report these stories like to
omit the fact that these Australian citizens tend to be of the brown variety, a fact which I consider to be highly relevant.
**I'm kind of cross, because if he weren't, I'd be able to say that I was making more than him, albeit by about $1000/yr and with much more student debt. I will now pout.