This one was more challenging as I was working from a photo of a dark coloured horse and had to imagine more ;-) The piece I chronicled in my last post was based on an actual grisaille - so it was easier to see where the layers went
First coat painted
First coat fired (it's 1 1/2" diameter)
I forgot to take a photo of the second coat painted - as I was too involved in getting it done!
This is the second coat fired
Third coat painted
Third coat fired
I might do a fourth coat - I haven't quite decided yet. It's harder to imagine where the highlights should go ...
As usual - I am working on two projects at a time, so that when I am waiting for one to dry or cool I can be working on the other.
The other is a portrait of my neice - and it is proving much more challenging. The greyscale photo that I am working from has so many subtle shades that I think I will need more than three or four coats ... more later!