It's common knowledge that
Ray Blanchard is
a scary, dangerous transphobic tool (he's the one who decided that queer trans women have "autogynephilia") , and here's some further evidence:
According to
this article by trans activist Julia Serano, Blanchard and his crony Ken Zucker now want to expand the definition of paraphilia (the "paraphilia" section used to be called "sexual disorders") to include "any intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest in genital stimulation or preparatory fondling with phenotypically normal, consenting adult human partners." What I'd like to emphasis here is "phenotypically normal"-- sex researchers could define this has any body type they consider "normal". Attracted to someone who is disabled, gender-variant, or of bigger than average size? Congratulations. An unscrupulous shrink could diagnose you as a sexual deviant.
Actually, Blanchard went even further and has proposed specific diagnoses for people attracted to trans people. (It's unclear whether he means just "chasers"--i.e., cisgender people who are only attracted to trans people-- or also the rest of us who happen to be attracted to a specific trans person or specific trans people. Given Blanchard's horrible record on trans issues, however, I'd say it's probably also the latter.) Attracted to a trans woman? You could be diagnosed with Gynandromorphophilia. To a trans man? Andromimetophilia. To compound the insult, a literal translation from the Greek would render these "love of woman-man transformers" and "love of man-fakers", respectively.
Ugh. Just ugh.