Halloween Horoscope for Gemini
Halloween is a huge party for you, except you're never really sure what to go as.
No matter what, your costume will make people's eyes pop out of their heads.
Costume suggestions: A sexy cop or a naughty animal
Signature Halloween candy: Twizzlers
What's Your Halloween Horoscope? sooo... halloween. my second favorite holiday. i was/am a go-go dancer. its fun. last of three parties is tonight. watching friday the 13 now, only cuz the best halloween movie ever isnt on. a prize to whoever can answer both questions, my first favorite holiday and the greatest halloween movie, ever! so school has been crazy, i feel like i need to step it up a notch. i like it awesome. next weekend im going to visit scott and then soon enough it will be time for thanksgiving! yay for going home and seeing littleton people.
so alison and meghan are having their bash tonight. it should be lots of fun. and............. bum bah da bum! this thursday is the return of the oc. gahd i have not stopped thinking about it.
yay for partying at mikes last night, even tho i didnt get to drink it was fun enjoying everyone who did. and tonight im not gonna drink really but it still should be pretty fun :)
alright, gonna go back to relaxin ;)