chrldr434: that man is a dirty bird!

Jun 06, 2004 23:46 just now set in that I DONT HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW! woah..ok yea anyways Friday was so much fun! Right after Spanish finals (which I failed haha) we went to the 1:15 showing of Harry Potter. It was amazing..kinda choppy at some parts but amazing! Harry is hot! haha then afterwards we went to Kim's pool party. It was pretty fun, I learned how to play lacrosse, and now Im in love with it. I wish we had a girls team, oh well. um..then after that I went w/ Amanda to Chrissy's Surprise 16th bday party (she was the girl I met on Spring Break that is friends of Amandas from Carmel HS). It was kinda awkward since I was the only one there that didnt go to Carmel and everyone seemed to notice. The people there are so different from our school. Like all they did was sit around in little groups and talk..even though there was a DJ there playing music no one danced or anything..and then these gay seniors came and wanted to fight some guy for who knows what by that time I called Natalka and Charli to come pick me and Amanda up so we could go somewhere else. I felt really bad for Chrissy though..I would have hated for my 16th birthday to have been like that. Speaking of 16th birthdays...mines comming up! yay! Im not sure what I want to do yet..I kinda just want to go out to dinner with a close group of friends and maybe go somewhere afterwards. Its too much work planning a party and keeping everyone entertained. Ok, well I better get some sleep tonight if I want to do anything tomorrow. Oh yea I posted some pics in the cut so comment if you'd like! bye!

Friday Afternoon

Amy & Amanda


Group pic in front of Harry Potter sign!

Austin & I in the theater

Kims Party

Austin & Charli in the pool

Sexy pic of Brad

Sean & I

Me being stupid

"Britney" hiding from the paparazzi

Ladies this is the new face of Abercrombie

Chrissy's Surprise 16th bday

Ok since no one was dancing we decided to have fun by ourselves.

haha Natalka. K Note: No she is not drunk, we were just really hyper. Two she is holding carbonated water not beer. Three, I'm not quite sure why she is wearing a hat that says Cocks on it but yea..

Natalka, Me & Scotty..haha I love that kid! he is so hilareous!

I love the kids shirt in the backround.

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