August 27, 2007?! Really?

May 06, 2008 18:12

So apparently August 27, 2007 was my last entry.

I knew it had been awhile, but really? That long ago?
I mean I read my friends page more often than that.


I'm feeling a lot of things these days, maybe even particularly today. It's amazing to me how much my work day influences how I feel after work. Whether I thought the day was productive and positive at work or whether I felt alienated and unnecessary has a huge impact on how much energy I have after work when I get home and my attitude towards my life that evening. It's amazing. I wish I had better control over it.

It's also amazing to me how the persons above me at work with salaries three times what mine is aren't necessarily much better qualified or skilled they're just a lot more aggressive and older. I don't want to be like them, but I do need to make an equitable amount of money.

But the time has come to move on, try something new and hopefully better.

My last day at this job is this Friday. Only three more days and then I can leave the pettiness and snobbishness of this staff far behind.

Then I'll have 20 days to wrap up business in the red stick before beginning a new chapter-adventure on the road with Shoji-san and Lupa to the redwoods of northern California. I've created a laundry list of projects to complete, things to pack and sell, people to see before I leave and plans to make for the trip. It's a little intimidating and overwhelming, but mostly exciting. I just have to remember not to romanticize anything... not Baton Rouge, not California, not Shoji, not my old life and not some grand idea of a new life. Just take a few steps at a time and stay calm. The best thing is that Shoji is doing this with me and has been good at making plans too.

That's the big news. The small news of which I am now too bored to write which means others would certainly be too bored by to read it includes: frustrating electric scooters, bento boxes, radio stations, culturecandy, tiffs, city planning, bikes on the interstates, job applications, making movies, clothing swaps, and love.


Peace, tu amie Stacy
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