Title: Snow Falling In Chicago
imaginethetruth (M. Willoughby)
Fandom: due South
Characters/Pairings: Fraser/RayK
Rating/Warnings: R - mild NC17. If slash isn’t your thing you might want to get out of here right about now.
Summary: Ray and Fraser make some interesting discoveries about each other on the slushy scene of the crime. Tea also comes into play.
Disclaimer: All characters to Alliance, blahblahblah. Sue me? I’ll kick you in the head.
Author’s Notes: Believe it or not, this story is actually based off of a dream I had *faints at memory*. It was kind of weird though, because it was about me and Fraser, only I was Ray...which was odd, but totally cool. I really want a dick now. I had way too much fun writing this.
Love comments/feedback :)