Title: 50 Themes.
Genre: Like, all of them. Mostly happy, some angsty, very few sad endings. Lot's of fluff.
Pairing: KangTeuk, HanChul, QMi and Kihae. There may be ninja of others but I have no idea AND DAMNIT I WILL BE ASLEEP BY MIDINGHT.
Rating: Eh, nothing graphic, just-before-graphic-kinda. I'd say 15, but I have no idea.
A/N: So yeah. Posting this right before I sleep so that bb can have them when she wakes up. Also, I have just decided I hate these. I blame writers block. They took me forever and there is SO MUCH TRIADIC STRUCTURE WHAT IS THIS. That is this, I do like some of them. Eh, what do I know, I'm going to sleep now.
Also, for those who are unaware, themes are short little sections (the could be one sentence or several) from a prompt. They exist in the same timeline as each other but they aren't in order and there is no necessary flow from one to the next.
They don’t remember the beginning, when everything began. Oh, they remember the debut and the first album and Kyuhyun and everything. But beyond that the lines blur. At some point they started to sleep in the same bed (and all the things that followed manifested themselves), but they can’t remember when. All they know is that it began at the beginning and it’s still going strong.
It’s chaos. Usual chaos, so nothing he’s that worried about. He’s got better things to do. Strictly speaking, he’s got Kangin to do. Right now.
It’s not about the singing, it’s not about the lyrics, it’s not about the dance or the radio or the TV shows and it’s definitely not about the fame. It’s about being able to flirt gratuitously with Jungsoo in public and get away with it.
Sometimes, it’s hard. It is. There are no pretty words to make it hurt less or make it better. It’s hard, and it can totally suck. And sometimes, he wonders why he bothers, why anyone bothers. Well, he can’t speak for anyone else, but when a certain someone holds his hand or even touches his wrist, it suddenly gets that much easier.
They were having these little pastry things for dinner. Something Ryeowook came up with, and they were all slightly different - a special little pastry-thing for each member. And on each of them are little pastry shapes so that they don’t get mixed up. Most of them were fairly obvious: a horse for Siwon, a monkey for Eunhyuk, a fish for Donghae - you get the picture. He should probably be less amused by the stegosaurus on Eeteuk’s.
He’s a worrier at heart. He’ll worry about anything, everything, until he’s on the verge of panic and crying silent tears into his pillow. And there’s so much to lose sleep about too. Henry, Zhou Mi, Hankyung, Kibum - and from them comes Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Siwon, Heechul and Donghae. And Kang In. Oh God, Kang In. It’s harder with Kang In than with anyone else, and he finds himself crying just that little bit harder.
Jungsoo is in charge. He’s driving. Honestly. Occasionally one of the others may try and change direction, or wander off down a different road. And, okay, things can get a little chaotic and- and loud. But you know what? He’s in charge. Or, as he admits quietly to himself in the shadow of a headache, thank fuck for co-pilots.
It’s so easy. You start with all these ideas - all these values and principles, about everything. And it’s so hard to keep them. And when they go, sometimes you feel bad and sometimes you don’t. And sometimes, sometimes you feel amazing. Sometimes, letting go of that idea that you held onto for so long with such conviction becomes the best thing you ever did. Taking that leap, holding that hand - best thing he’d ever done in his life - apart from man himself.
Most people (i.e. the fans) are under the impression that when bossing Super Junior around Eeteuk has three tones of voice: the I-am-actually-quite-amused-by-this-but-I-ought-to-look-like-I’m-not voice, the I-am-too-tired-for-this-shit-but-I-ought-make-an-effort voice and the I-simply-don’t-give-a-shit-but-I-ought-to-look-like-I-do voice. Anyone who knows Super Junior a little better (coordi-noonas, managers, et cetera) will be aware of a fourth voice: the you-will-do-what-I-tell-you-right-this-fucking-instant-or-else-I-will-fuck-you-up-so-hard voice. He doesn’t use it in public very often (basically never) and it has the quite useful effect of getting people to do what he tells them.
There is, however, a fifth voice. It’s one that even most of Super Junior have never heard (and those who have generally try to forget): the Kang-In-get-over-here-so-you-can-shove-me-against-the-wall-and-we-can-do-dirty-things voice. He likes this voice best.
All good things come to an end. He’s been telling himself that since day debut. And while there is truth in it and it sucks, he kind of doesn’t care. He’s too caught up in dimples and laughter and gentle touches. So fuck endings, he’s just enjoying the now.
Heebum is honestly pleased when the tall Chinese man reappears from wherever, because her master does get so down without him. But why must they spend so much time in bed? And so loud! A cat can’t sleep anywhere these days.
He throws things and shrieks at the computer, because, excuse you, that’s his sexy Chinese man - GET YOUR FUCKING OWN.
There are many unspoken rules in the Super Junior. Sadly, due to said rules being unspoken, they forgot to tell Henry. He went into Hankyung and Heechul’s room while they were busy. Well, Heechul says, the scratches’ll heal eventually. The images, however, may take a while to fade.
Chocolate sauce: 4,000 won
Whipped cream: 1,750 won
Replacing Hankyung’s ruined shirt: 50,000 won
The Manager’s faces: caught on camera and treasured forever.
China is one of the Great Pains in Heechul’s life. It really is. So when Hankyung mentions webcams he shrieks that THIS IS THE BEST IDEA EVER and disappears into his room almost fizzing with glee. Kibum, however, is somewhat less pleased as his own plans are interrupted by an armful of furious Heebum because this is not for innocent kitty eyes. Fucking hell.
This is never going to end. This feeling, wrapped so tight around his heart. It’s not so much a pure feeling - he’s far too fond of having his wicked away with Heechul and vice versa - but it’s a powerful one. Sometimes it’s so utterly consuming that it’s all he can feel. But it’s okay; because Heechul feels that way too.
He was the first to know. There had been something in Hankyung’s eyes for months. Longer. And he was angry. Not because Hankyung wanted to leave- this is Super Junior! You never truly leave. No, he was angry because the person who meant to him in this world was deliberately hurting himself for no reason other than an over-active sense of duty.
They’re tight. He’s never seen jeans so tight. He wants to tap that. So hard. And there are cameras around. Someone somewhere hates him - and Heechul probably helped them along.
There is no other way to describe the skin on the inside of Heechul’s thigh. The slide of Heechul’s hair through his fingers. Soft, like satin, only so much better. He loves to touch, can’t stop! Because he can’t get enough - he’ll never be able to get enough.
He gets a lot of stick for his so-called shoddy Korean, but he’d like to point out that when he was learning Korean, he wasn’t just learning informal and formal Korean, he was learning Heechul-Korean too. And he’s perfectly fluent in that, thank you kindly.
AN: Er, I totally guessed on the pound/won conversion? :D?
You don’t have to be the brightest bulb in the box to know that Super Junior is completely out of it’s tree - so really, he shouldn’t be surprised. No, he should just retreat quietly to his room and his computer. Mind you. That’s a very short skirt Zhou Mi is wearing. And he does have ridiculously good legs for a man… Hum.
Kyuhyun has one word for you: hell.
There are eight of them - eight!! He screams and jumps on the bed. Kyuhyun stomps in, newspaper at the ready, and squashes it flat. He hops down and eyes the black smudge on the printed page with distaste. Kyuhyun rolls his eyes and throw it in the bin before stomping out again - back to level eight billion. He doesn’t care, it doesn’t matter what anyone says - nothing natural needs eight legs damnit!
There are moments when the world just stops, and it feels like cold, spiderlike fingers are wrapping themselves around his core. He can’t breathe. He can’t even think. And then a warm hand takes his, and a bright smile lights up in his peripheral. The fingers retract and suddenly
On the trip to one of the SS2 shows, Eeteuk realises he is going to have to put Zhou Mi in one car and Kyuhyun in another if he wants to avoid an international incident. When he announces this need for separation to Hankyung, the other only snorts at him and looks far too amused. He raises and eyebrow and gives Hannie his best and what does that mean look.
“I dunno hyung, did you bring a crowbar?”
Kyuhyun has never hated before and he doesn’t like it. He’s used it colloquially of course, but he’s never felt pure, fiery hate curling in his gut until now. It’s a strong word, hate, and a strong emotion. It’s not like love, not at all, you can love a little, love in different ways, but there is only one form of hate. And it burns. He loves the fans, the ones that cheer and smile, but he can’t stop hating the ones that don’t.
Zhou Mi is a complete girl. This is a known and accepted fact among everyone. SJM knows it, Super Junior knows it, most (if not all) of China knows it - hell, even his own mother knows it (his, not Zhou Mi’s). It’s why he finds the whole control thing utterly bewildering.
Sometimes he hates being the magnae, being youngest. He’s not a naturally cute person and he doesn’t like having to act it. He doesn’t like being the baby. It’s one of the reasons he likes going to China - he’s still technically magnae and doted on, but Henry’s there to fulfil the cute bit. And yet, somehow, he finds himself being childish around Zhou Mi, especially when said human ray of sunshine is talking to someone else. Mine, says his mind, back off - and then he finds himself clinging and whining and tugging at sleeves. Maybe it’s a good thing he’s the magnae after all.
There’s a saying that don’t and stop are the two words that men hate most - unless they are said together. He never knew how true is was until he has Kyuhyun pinned against a wall, flushed and panting. Don’t stop. Oh, he won’t.
Before China, he’d only tolerated sharing a bed. Sungmin cuddles, Hyukjae smells, Heechul kicks- the list goes on. He likes his own space. However, back in Seoul - distinctly sans Zhou Mi - he suddenly feels like he’s very alone. He’ll have to invent something and get ZMi flown in ASAP.
FYI, includes ONLY13 bashing and, in my mind, Mimi tops.
His phone is ringing, all the way on the other side of the room - so utterly distant. But Donghae is warm against his side, draped comfortably over his chest, and the little buzzing device is just too far away.
It’s a lovely though, it really is. But three hours puking, one hysterical Eeteuk and a disgustingly amused Heechul later, he has another thing to add to his List Of Things He Is Never Going To Allow To Happen Ever: Donghae is never going near an oven again.
No one would ever have predicted that Donghae could be let loose in the kitchen and come out with edible results - let alone nice ones. Admittedly, he stood over his boyfriend’s shoulder and steered him away from dangerous decisions involving baking powder or alcohol (of all things), but the net result was a batch of cookies that even Heechul seemed to like. He’d planned to spend that evening screwing Hae into the mattress, but that smile is simply breathtaking and it’s not like either of them have to be up before six anyway.
Some things are sacred. Some things are fucking sacred, okay? Siwon’s Bible. Sungmin’s bunny. Donghae’s crotch. He may not have been at SUPER SHOW 2 but the fans have camera’s for fuck’s sake. HYUKJAE IS SO FUCKING DEAD.
Of all the people to succumb to the common cold (man-flu! Jessica shrieks when he tells her) he does not expect Kibum to be curled up in bed wailing (quietly and with disturbing amounts of sarcasm) about his impending doom. He’s Donghae so he takes Kibum soup and hot water bottles and a sympathetic ear, but even he might partake in the teasing when the ‘patient’ gets ‘better’.
Phone Call
It’s worth it.
He’s a logical person. He likes maths and physics and chemistry because they make sense. He likes boxes and filing and categories because they make sense. Donghae is illogical. He is utterly, totally, completely illogical. He doesn’t like Donghae because he makes no sense. He loves him for the very same reason.
It’s his job, his hobby, his life - but sometimes he hates it. He hates it because he has to do it every day, and he has to hide what means most.
Stupid saying. In love. How can you be in love? It’s not like a swimming pool - and you certainly don’t choose to be in or out of it. It’s an abstract noun, for Christ’s sake! He certainly didn’t wander along and go ‘oh, look, there’s a great big barrel of love - I’ll go be in it, shall I?’ What moron came up with that? This is why stupid people should be kept away from difficult things. Like speaking. Because then they come up with stupid sayings that irritate the intelligent people. Admittedly, being in love has downsides, like clichés and stereotypes and stupid sayings - but it has some serious perks. And what fun they are to take advantage of.
You can’t tell the future. You can’t predict what happens next. You don’t know what’s going to happen in ten days, ten weeks, ten months, ten years. You can’t, not for certain. But he has hopes, and they involve a killer smile and gorgeous arms (and filthy kisses). So he’s just going to have to keep his fingers crossed and see where life takes him, that’s all.