second decaying blossom

Dec 25, 2010 10:00

*Maybe on your way home you'll hear a shuffle of footsteps.
Or maybe you'll hear nothing at all.

Maybe you'll smell the stentch of blood roll in so thickly that you'll want to throw up.
Or maybe there's no smells to be found in the air.

Maybe you'll feel the slightest touch on your back.
Or maybe you'll feel numb instead.

Maybe you'll notice a slight breath on your neck.
Or maybe you'll tell yourself you were just imagining it.

If you turn around you may see a girl standing behind you. Dripping in blood, pleading with you to run away while she can still control herself.
Or maybe you didn't turn around fast enough...*

[ooc: tagging might be slightly slow because it's Christmas day =3= Sakura's become cannibalistic so in the subject of your reply to this entry please tell me if it's okay to for Sakura to eat your character, injure them, or leave them be. Also I'm not skimping out on the details and gore here so some of the comments are quite graphic.

Here's Sakura's Letter just in case anyone wanted to read it!]

!action, event: christmas

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