Title : A Series of Moments (or how Chris and Darren made a dent for one person)
Author : Jen
Rating : PG
Series : Like a Satellite & Chasing Daylight
Word Count : ~4600
Warnings : mild homophobia, RPF...
Summary : Life is a series of moments. Some last for a moment, some last for a lifetime. These moments change and define us, they stick in our
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Comments 26
The message here needed to be one of acceptance, not battering her over the head with it!
In a non-creepy way, this chapter hit incredibly close to home for me. But you knew that, anyway. And you handled it all so, so well. I do hope we get to see a little more of Molly in the future, because she really deserves to do well. The sad fact is that prejudice like that is passed through families, and it takes someone incredibly strong like her to be able to defy that kind of idea, even if they do need a little guidance to do so.
It's up there with my favourite chapters in this whole verse. The big events are wonderful, and you write them incredibly, but it's these human stories, these real events that are often the most beautiful.
I'd love to have some kind of equally amazing response, but I don't. As a young member of the LGBT community who's still trying to come to terms with the fact herself, this both warmed my heart and gave me tears. It's stories like this that gives me hope for the future and that the world will be a more accepting place. So that when I'm ready to fully be who I am, it will be okay.
So thank you for sharing this.
( ... )
On the one hand I'm thrilled at the change you and your partner were able to influence. Things like this should happen more often.
I'm touched and honoured that this part which came out of nowhere and demanded to be written even though it wasn't on the original plan. And I'm pretty proud of it - all the more so given your response.
Chris is doing amazing things for understanding and acceptance, as is Darren to a different degree (but just as important). So in this fic, pair them together? There's a force and influence for all that is good and should be right with the world.
Thank you so much for your comment!
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