Title : A Series of Moments (or how Chris and Darren tried to spend as much time with each other as possible)
Author : Jen
Rating : PG-13
Series : Like a Satellite & Chasing Daylight
Word count : ~3500
Warnings : allusion to some naughty stuff, RPF...
Summary : Life is a series of moments. Some last for a moment, some last for a lifetime. These
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Comments 31
Okay, that's a lie. There's still the angst. But the cute and fluff and cuddles and just holding each other while they sleep; call me unrealistic, but that's exactly how I hope married life will be and yes I know I'm a dreadful romanticist but it's such a lovely image and just hoping our boys will get to do it all the time with each other soon makes me feel so happy and warm.
But, sharing your lunches, and nights, and dreams is wonderful. And I do get I love yous whispered against my mouth morning and night and we do cuddle on the couch. Its what you make it, luckily you get to shape it to suit you, to make you (both) happy and when you are both in it for each other, it just happens and its (mostly) easy, earnest and fun.
And that's my big shout out to hubby who is the polar opposite of DC (and me) but he does have glasz eyes and a smile that melts my heart.
But that's such a lovely thing to hear as well. It's relationships like yours that make me look forward to when I have one of my own (not to mention incredibly jealous of the partnership you both seem to have!) Thank you for making me smile, and my love to the pair of you.
I love, love, love that.
So thank you from the bottom of my somewhat romantic heart for telling me that not only are these boys realistic in their behaviour but that it's also realistic for relationships in general! ♥♥♥
god. so much love.
(Says the writer who's done nothing these last few days so she can fight with the annoying final chapters which refused to do what she wanted them to do...)
As a fan I say... well, no also.
Have a cookie. And some hearts. ♥♥♥
Looking forward to more.
I'm not commenting on whether they will get to do the whole married thing - there's plenty more to come between now and the end, and not all of it's happy happy... ;-)
Thank you as always for the comment. ♥♥
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