ok thats it, i have had enough of this shit. I was excluded from so much shit all summer because you two now hang out with all of my friends, and since you don't feel "comfortable" with me being there, I don't get to do anything with anyone. You know what? You two need to just suck it up and deal with it because this is fucking unfair and stupid. Don't you realize how unfair it is that you come in and meet all of my friends and then I am barred from being with them when you are around? Oh wow Becca has some new friends....great but lets' exclude an old one because she and her boyfriend dont feel comfortbable!! you are just being insecure and for the last time let me tell you that I am not going to fucking steal him from you. I broke up with him didnt I? Yeah so give it a rest, jesus christ. I still love u to death you're my friend and so are all these other people but this is just ridiculous and extremely unfair and I'm not putting up with it anymore. I hate you two for doing this to me and I hate everyone else for not just ignoring your stupid "uncomfortable" feelings and inviting me anyway, because you alone shouldnt get to decide who hangs out with a whole group of people. i dont know maybe i should just find new friends altogether because this seems to be a one-way street with almost everyone. I know I sound like an angry raving bitch but you have to understand where I am coming from because I have spent a lot of time trying to udnerstand where you are coming from. But I'm sorry I just can't anymore because it should have ended by now. There is nothign at all to feel awkward about, I don't like Matt, Matt loves you, there's no reason for anyone to feel awkward and those who do are just being babies. I'm sick and tired of readingin ppls journals how they chilled with you and everyone else and their mother and only I was left out because either the two of you don't want me there or ppl just don't think to invite me. I know Viki would alwats invite me, I give her that credit because I was with her a lot this summer but whenever you were there I didn't get invited and it pisses me off that you two are so immature. As for everyone else well I don't know about them but it all comes down to you two and you need to just give it a rest because this isn't fair at all, you're like stealing my fucking friends right out from under me. Yes I know they are still my friends and I still hang out with them periodically but that doesnt change that I missed out on a lot this summer and will undoubtedly miss out on more if this keeps up. its not fair and i can't fucking deal with it anymore without saying something. so fix it or I walk and maybe we just won't be friends at all anymore. That won't help the situation for me but if you're not gona fix it and help me out well then you're not really my friend anyway. Because maybe you dont understand, but it hurts.
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