Apr 01, 2006 17:48

today is like any other day this week,im getting in trouble because my rooms not clean.i had to go to Hannahs birthday party today and Natasha wasnt there,i was BORED!! there was a little baby out there though named Izaick,i dont know if i spelt it right but i was close.all the adults were playing role switch.i had to make sure that they were behaved and the kids to.the baby was wet and i said im not getting paid im not changing no diapers.Ashley changed it for me.i got the baby to sleep at least 3 times and it felt so good.i wish my brothers never got older and just stayed under a year old,boy would that be nice.
tonight Ashley is babysitting Danny and Lily again.Lily i could wait my whole life before wanting to see her again,but Danny i would love to see everyday.hes so small and fun but yet he does what you want him to do which makes him even better to watch.i cant wait for them to get here tonight.
while at the party today i got Tammy to buy some stuff from my funraiser,$22!!!!i was so happy because thats $11 towards equipment for my softball team.i would be as happy as you could imagine if i filled up all the spots on my would make me feel like i did a lot of good and that i did what i am supposed to do but i dont think that between now and next Saturday i will fill up the amout of spots i still have to fill.
wednesday is coming and i dont want it to.concerts are one of the most enbarresing moments of my life and i have 3 of them in one month.the end of the school year is always so hectic.feild trips for this,concerts for that,projects for here,last minute details there.WNY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF???????anybody want to go back to school for about a week because i sure year im in the middle school,i cant even imagine what it will be like there!
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