I Have No Pun To Russell Up ;)

Aug 29, 2008 14:50

Just enjoy!

Some of these are High Quality off the iPlayer, some are Normal. I found that if I got stressed out about catching something on Normal, I'd oddly be able to catch it on High Quality lol.


God, he is so utterly gorgeous. ♥

Smile!corner. CUUUUUUTE. ♥

He’s just pretty from any angle isn’t he?! ‘Cos I did it by accident once I must admit I now have a small soft spot for melancholy looking!Russell. :|

[1, 433 days] “Is it ‘At what point do libraries abandon fines and introduce hitmen’?”

CLAAAAWWW! LOL. [1, 433 days] “Is it ‘How long does it take for my nan to send a text’?” lol aww!

UNEXPECTED!HUGH. Fanboying his boyfriend teammate. I was just like HAHA MAKE IT MORE OBVIOUS WHY DON’T YOU?! ;)

“Press the red button to go inside Boris’ mind”…meanwhile Russell looks oddly like he’s up to something there!

(*ties Russell down* stop moving!) “It was like a transformer that had been designed by Alan Titchmarsh. One minute it was a bus…THEN IT WAS A HEDGE!”

OK, slightly manic lol. Better screencap quality though ‘cos I switched to High Quality as Normal Quality were throwing out some rubbish caps and I was getting cheesed off lol. I also noticed that there was a lot of Russell/Frankie interaction in this episode. Bless, ‘tis cute. It kinda scares me how they are both on each other’s wavelengths and yet their comedy is different. AND whilst we’re here! - Clothes Watch = when I first saw that t-shirt my initial reaction was OMG SO GHEY for some reason. I expect him to spray it with water so it’s skin tight then go down Manchester’s Canal Street. Heh. Although I went very Noel Fielding when I tried describing it to ocd_pixie! I said, “it looked like it had been dipped in clouds and blue sky” LOL. No extremely funky hair this week either. But still makes me want to stroke it.

“This Chinese volunteer caught it and you could tell he just looked at his mates like, ‘Ebay’!” YEAH, HANDS REALLY. Nghhh. ♥

“Please don’t say you’ve found a cleaner!” Also. MOAR HANDS! Mwahahaha! ♥

That oddly makes my heart go fluttery and noises only dolphins can hear come out of my mouth. LOL @ “Frankie? You’re gonna be PM” I don’t know whether to be overjoyed at that thought or completely petrified! Also, I love how like Russell doesn’t y’know say himself or anything lol.

The shock lol. I’m really not having a good screencap day today. I miss my laptop. :( (for those of you not on my flist, my laptop’s hard drive went kaput so I’m using a shared laptop for a bit until I get a new hard drive inserted) “Tennis…or as I call it THWACK DOINK!”

“Diving…WHOOSH SPLOSH BAAA!” LOL genius!

Break in schedule - Frankie talking about Rebecca Adlington's boyfriend, “Did you see her boyfriend? He was really attractive, he was like a male model” Oh Frankie lol.


Not sure he’s supposed eat the stuff they have under their desks on camera LOL.

“Chimp Amazes Drugs Couple” oh God LOL.

“How much money would you pay to go to London Zoo to one see a pole dancer training a monkey how to dance” Frankie - “To be honest, that is No1 on the list, boys” - so does that make Dara and Russell Frankie’s idea bitchez? *snort*

“There’s loads of really rubbish satire [in America] as well. I was reading the other day on the internet that some guy went, ‘He’s [Obama] never gonna win. It’s called The White House!’ and you’re like what a sort of ridiculous point to make! So by that token only Martians can work for Greenpeace and, y’know, you have to be a Smurf to work for Ribena! It’s ridiculous, y’know?” - My overriding thought? HE’S RANTY! It’s a calm rant ok, observation but shhh, but a rant nonetheless! Jon’s rubbed off on him. *ahem* ;) He said ridiculous twice! You tell ‘em, darling! ♥


[following on from jellyfish sting help] “Imagine how unlucky you’d feel right if you saw a bloke asleep on the beach and he kind’ve had a vicious scar [indicates torso, guhhh] and you started weeing on it and it turned out it was a birthmark?! That would be bad luck, would it not?” - Hate to say it but I’m not letting him anywhere me in that circumstance then! LOL. Mine’s not on my front though and it’s just a mottled thing on the back of my thigh. Mind you, if I got that far undressed, clearly I would be going to get lucky with him anyway, never mind bad luck haha! Rawr. ;)

They should’ve stayed close up! “If someone from Revlon can apply lipstick to a wasp then they are SKILLED! That’s impressive. ‘Looks good. Sell it!’ LOL I love the visuals he creates! So, well, creative! \o/

“My heart goes out in sympathy, I know your life is torn, I can’t believe your dear, sweet mum, caught you watching all that porn”, HEE! Just reminds me of that time him and Jon challenged themselves to write poetry lol. The genesis of Monkey The Funduster! \o/ Going out to the Jossell Massiiiiive haha!

LOL @ Russell’s reaction to Frankie’s Gabby Logan joke!

And y’know what I just noticed during Andy trying to have another go after his Ireland attack? A) Russell’s sweeeet (“Go again, mate”) ♥ and b) I’m glad The Dad’s just gone out ‘cos I proper LOL’d at something I didn’t pick up when watching last night - Russell saying, “You’ve been Paddywhacked!” LOL fucking awesome! (no cap as it’s so bloody quick)

Much like smile!corner, to get a full length body shot in is kinda compulsory for my picspams of Russell lol. ♥___♥

WTF?!?! LOL!

I noticed just before that he did a cute lil blink and I was internally thinking, “bring your glasses out for at least one episode!” lol. ♥

And that is the end of the show picspam! :) Meh, odd number again this week! Me no like it. :(

BUT WAIT! I have an extra goodie! OK, just to be self indulgent and for a few other people…

Jon Richardson on The Edinburgh Festival Show (usually known as The Culture Show)
(on stage and on the couch for Ruby Wax’s Headroom, talking about his OCD tendencies)

HELLO JON. *waves*

I shouldn’t be…stupid but it just reminded me of Russell in today’s picspam - CLAAAAAWWWW! Hee! ♥

HE’S GOT PRETTY PRETTY HANDS TOO! *flails* ♥___♥ (and high cheekbones. So pretty!)

There is way too much genius to quote lol. Watch it yaselves! Now I’ll just say that vacuously I love…the way he’s sitting. *headdesk* I need help. Stace is right - I pick up crushes so quickly! :|

I have no words really. PRETTY.

Smiiiiiile. ♥ Although isn’t talking about lucky underwear flirting from Ruby?!? HEE.

*makes goggly eyes* I want to cuddle him. ♥ ALTHOUGH. The editor should be SHOT! Don’t focus on Ruby when a Jon!laugh happens, goddammit! How fucking stupid are you?! Grr.

*devoid of anything relevant to say* *still being vacuous*

What a GUH-worthy post if I do say so myself!

Now I need to actually do things like write! *runs around like a headless chicken*

Over and out


pictures, teevee, i iz laughing all the way to timbuktu

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