I wasn't able to decide what my topic was. Its ended up being an amalgamation (♥) of kick arse!Ianto, random pretty!Ianto and some of my thoughts on Jack/Ianto and the surrounding factors. (I'm also doing this fairly one handed because I'm painting my nails too!)
He looks after the ‘shop front’ of Torchwood. Without that and him, the world/Torchwood divide would be in chaos lol. V. important.
He offers to find out the information nobody else can be bothered to.
Without him, the rest of them would probably starve. Organisational skillz, yo!
Even if the timing is a bit unfortunate sometimes. Blame the late delivery people! (I am)
Even when he’s in his suit and repressed like crazy, he’ll still (offer to) turn into Kick Arse!Ianto!
Alcohol always at the ready! Even for himself. *pets*
There’s not a lot he won’t do for love…
…He’d even punch his boss/(future love interest) in the face! Yowsa.
He’s not against changing his opinion of his team mates and trying to play the hero in the name of solidarity and friendship.
He’s aware of the concept of sensuality/sexuality - his own and others. (FIRST SERIOUS COMMENT ALERT! - Not so different from Jack, eh? *thinky!face*)
He has hidden technological depths. I always wondered why Tosh never thought of that! Not complaining though! If she had, we wouldn’t have had the little Jack/Ianto moment.
He’s not shy of propositioning his BOSS for SEX with the use of an EVERYDAY ITEM. (SERIOUS COMMENT ALERT #2! - No wonder Jack/Ianto work. They iz similar, yes? Jack’s rubbed off on Ianto mwahahahaha)
A screencap that has no purpose in this picspam other than for me to shout BRING BACK THAT SUIT! ♥
Hmm, I’ve become sidetracked. Ianto kicks arse at being so damn good looking?! ♥ God, honestly, that’s another screencap I could stare at for ages! (pathetic but true)
Whoa, that’s HOT. Shame we couldn’t see his leaning in Something Borrowed…
When he thinks you’re SO WRONG, he’s not afraid to stand up and let you know! (This is my 'OK, I could slash Gareth/Burn' picture. Need I explain why?)
He can’t help it if warning/threats are ignored. He also has such a good heart that he shoots in the shoulder on purpose to save the need for a hospital and oh some life saving surgery. It’s NOT because he’s crap with a gun.
Hands up who thinks the producers saw this and thought “Series 2 - lets make Ianto evil!” and then “But it’s not REALLY Ianto because we know fans would lynch us otherwise”?! But annoyed & temporary evil!Ianto is kinda hot. (SERIOUS COMMENT ALERT #3! - THIS is what would happen if Jack EVER tried to use him cruelly! Ianto punched him IN THE FACE when Jack had his girlfriend bumped off by a pterodactyl (oh Torchwood, how I love thee, hee ♥), so imagine what he’d do if he thought ‘hang on a minute! I’m not being treated fairly’!!)
Even the Weevils (W or w? I never know :|) find him scary (or at least authoritative)! See? NO ONE, NOT EVEN ALIENS, MESS WITH IANTO JONES!
Moar assertiveness! Even if it is detrimental to the whole world and his Jack. Eeek!
QUESTION: Why does this suit look dark one minute…
…then grey the next?! Hmm, lighting? Gareth also has the BEST reaction faces!
I’m not anti-anyone but I see a point to prove here:-
Gwen’s all sad; she wants to stay with Jack.
Jack’s alive! \o/ He kisses Ianto.
Not to say that he didn’t snog Gwen between the morgue and the main floor of the Hub (mmm, life force energy) but I think this difference says a few things in itself. Ahhh, a picture is worth a thousand words. Even extends to screencaps! (which are pictures, after all, obviously)
Must make a comment. SO in keeping with Ianto and his character methinks. OF COURSE he’d go and have a wobbly moment IN PRIVATE. With the coat! *sniffle* :(
BIT ON HIS GUN! BIT ON HIS GUN! \o/ Is it wrong to be happy for Gareth about that, after he mentioned it to Chris on the S1 commentary for Countrycide?! Lol (“I haven’t got a little bit on my gun” “What, a trigger?” *cue the probability of Gareth looking at Chris like ‘ha bloody ha, smartarse’* etc etc) The show also seems to like doing the blurry > gun > not blurry effect thing with him.
Everyone else = moaning about Jack and his one man hero tendencies.
Ianto = RUNNING. WHISTLING (mm, hot). To hail a taxi. GENIUS!
CHARLIE’S JACK’S ANGELS! Coming next week (or whenever I get over doing this one) - “Why Ianto And Gwen Are (Not So) Closet Friends”!
Have you ever seen jealousy like it?! NO YOU HAVEN’T.
LALALALA not listening LALALALA stupid Captain John Hart LALALA blahblahblah you left, now you’re back, I swear I’m not happy about it LALAL-
Wait, WHAT? Hmm, deNIAL’s not a river in Egypt after all. Damn. Look at my FACE. I’m trying not to show you that I’m pleased about allsorts of things right now. Now just to get rid of fancypants Hart…
Up against the odds (or a gun and some lift doors) and yet…
…can still be determined to kick your arse into the next galaxy! (Jealousy, jealousy, jealousyyyyyy *hums Jealous Guy*) DON’T YOU DARE THREATEN ME OR MY TEAM MATES/FRIENDS+BOSS/(eventual)LOVER YOU SON OF A BITCH! (I’ve been watching too much SPN and DEEN.) GRR!
He may be jealous but he’s not adverse to an orgy! Mostly because if he’s involved then Jack’s involved and he can at least have half, if not more, of his time. Yay!
He’s never been this jealously GLEEFUL before! Again, should tell you something. (Need more smiles though ‘cos boy does he have a pretty, pretty one ♥)
This is the POWAH he has over Jack. Annoyed!face makes Jack run away into his office. Where’s that weak, used and abused damsel in distress? Hmm? Funnily enough, I can’t find her (him) anywhere!
I’ve been thinking. Could this be a thank you too? Jack’s gone all emotional honesty on us and like the rest of us trying to interpret it, Ianto’s all ‘well. That trumps what I was gonna say so *kisses like whoa*’ Who knows if it even has a meaning. Maybe Ianto just wanted to kiss him? *shrug* Such a thing as on screen physical development as well as emotional y’know. (as if you needed to see that again though haha I’m just facilitating the squee :p)
“You’re such a nervous suck up” = CONTROL/APPRECIATION/KNOWS HOW JACK WORKS.
He kicks arse because (lets get back on track here) he can do a Houdini. (A not THE, ‘cos that’d be creepy. Although no doubt Jack’s met him. HAHA FIC? ‘My boyfriend met Houdini and all I got was this lousy rope to practice with’!)
Ianto Jones kicks arse BECAUSE HE KICKS ARSE! With a stun gun. MOAR PLZ! (even though he was a bad guy - ouchie. In the FACE. Good going, Mr Kick Arse :p)
“Shit! Did THAT just happen?! Whoa”
“Shit! I’m the third wheel in an emotional connection, woe is me, WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!”
I sometimes wonder if people know what flirting is. HOW are Jack and Ianto meant to portray through words that they have a thing going on without it?! Just because we are treated to innuendo between them and there’s been more scenes of importance with Gwen and Jack so far doesn’t mean that MRS WILLIAMS is an emotional threat or that Jack is JUST with Ianto for the sexin’. *le sigh*
Also, “don’t get jealous” from the emails on the BBC site prior to Martha’s visit suggests a reference to Ianto’s behaviour during KKBB AND that he gets jealous when the team dynamic is disrupted. Funnily enough Gwen’s part of the team. We’ve never seen any evidence of jealousy within the team, for any reason. Just outside (as far as Ianto’s concerned and just the once so far too, but enough to have Jack notice and make a joke of it).
On the grapevine, I’ve even heard qualms about “dabble”! Whatever he labelled it as it was probably gonna cause ructions somewhere. *re* But I’m trusting GDL. Ianto’s not a labellist, neither is Jack (duh. Reason #17654369908765 why they work so well), but he had to give ‘it’ a name (even temporary, throwaway)! Couldn’t exactly say “we shag a lot”. Actually, he COULD but he doesn’t seem the type (see A Day In The Death) and “dabble” is so inoffensive which technically plays nicely into the hands of the BBC and their family friendly repeat (the cutting of Owen’s “you’re always out on missions, shagging Jack” speech being reduced to ““you’re always out on missions” END OF was hilarious! Its making me giggle now just thinking about it! :)). Doesn’t demean or play down whatever him and Jack have together. Seems like a “that’s private, but here’s a titbit because I like you/I’m secure in myself and what Jack and our thing means to ME, never mind anyone else” kind of reaction/word :)
More propositioning!Ianto. Less cryptic/vague than the stopwatch. Even his mentions-of-Mr-Jones-Senior-and-inseams-flirting was quite innovative/avante garde!
I remember Eve saying that John drives the SUV like a speed freak/maniac. Gareth isn’t exactly skimping on the POWAH and I LOVE IT! Vroom! (yeah, that one had no use either)
Ianto to the reeeesssssscuuuuuuuueeeeee! He was in front. He kicked the door open! = Kick Arse.
He has knowledge of where the big guns are. \o/ Also, I like his watch.
*Dutch courage for what he’s about to do*
Why must simplicity always be shrouded by conspiracy? (ooh I just made that up and I like it) If you wanted to ask someone you fancy to dance you wouldn’t be thinking about your surroundings or if that person was dancing with someone else. You’d be GIMME! I WANT! Not because of negative feelings towards the person who’s dancing with the one you desire but because YOU JUST WANT TO DANCE WITH THEM! We talk about wanting to see progression. That whole SCENE is progression (even before Ianto joins)!! But I’ve tried to pick through that enough already in my episode reaction so. Yes I’m ignoring the meaningful stuff going on between Gwen and Jack, not because I’m in denial (OMG THREAT TO OTP NO! MY OTP FOREVAH, BITCH!!1!11!!eleventy!!!1) but because I’ll probably come away with a headache.
TV = interpretation.
(damn, no looky one!) Jack ----> Gwen = omg he’s sacrificing potential Jack/Gwen love because she has Rhys and he understands!
Jack ----> Gwen ----> Jack ----> Ianto = FINALLY she got married after everything we’ve ALL been through since Suzie and since Gwen joined the team. YAYRELIEF! (= big breath, maybe Jack goes to say something, maybe he doesn’t) Now I shall pull my Ianto close and dance with him and BE HAPPY FOR EVERYONE! *melodramatic theatrical pose*
Ambiguity is there for a reason. To keep the cross section of an audience ALL watching. TV allows for opinions and feelings and until its been proven otherwise on screen, no one is right or wrong/superior to some other group. So obvious, so common sense and yet its SO easy to forget it.
Anyway, not here to preach. ^^ My opinions, not my pretty (sadly!), but come play with me all the same! :)
Over and out