What me and Mari talk about....drugs....LOL

Oct 09, 2006 20:00

marichui89 (7:48:43 PM): in spanish today

marichui89 (7:48:52 PM): we talked about

marichui89 (7:49:04 PM): how when you're high

marichui89 (7:49:20 PM): you're at the highest level of intelectual power humanly power

marichui89 (7:49:39 PM): because you're mind can now overcome and understand the language of your body

marichui89 (7:49:49 PM): cause drugs stimulate the brain

marichui89 (7:50:06 PM): and there was this whole drawing to explain

marichui89 (7:50:16 PM): i would show you but it should be on msn

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:52:38 PM): weeirrdddddd

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:52:42 PM): i mean that would make sense

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:52:56 PM): because some of the greatest artists of all time wrote their greatest works when they were high

marichui89 (7:52:57 PM): it does!!

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:53:08 PM): like artists and poets and songwriters etc.

marichui89 (7:53:09 PM): cause they were body and mind in one

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:53:12 PM): YEAHH!

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:53:13 PM): lol

marichui89 (7:53:17 PM): and rockn'rollers

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:53:17 PM): it almost makes you want to do drugs

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:53:21 PM): LOL

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:53:23 PM): almost...

marichui89 (7:53:26 PM): i know!

marichui89 (7:53:36 PM): that whole conversation was soo weird

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:53:38 PM): i wanna be smart!

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:53:41 PM): THAT IS

marichui89 (7:53:44 PM): and it took all fo clas

marichui89 (7:53:59 PM): well potheads are mostly top percent of their class

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:54:07 PM): LOL

marichui89 (7:55:57 PM):  this is the part the goverment doesn't tell us

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:56:17 PM): is it true??

marichui89 (7:56:23 PM): logically

marichui89 (7:56:25 PM): yes

marichui89 (7:56:47 PM): when you're doped on something

marichui89 (7:56:53 PM): you can feelyou're body

marichui89 (7:56:55 PM): and understand

marichui89 (7:56:58 PM): how it works

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:10 PM): you know someone once told me that

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:14 PM): he was like

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:18 PM): if you go to school high

marichui89 (7:57:22 PM): cause your body speaks a different language than you're mind

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:22 PM): everything makes more sense

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:35 PM): and it slows down class for you and makes you understand it

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:37 PM): and i was like

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:39 PM): you pothead

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:41 PM): lol

marichui89 (7:57:42 PM): lmao

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:48 PM): he was mexican too

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:50 PM): LOL

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:52 PM): hahahahaha

aNiMeChicKa07 (7:57:56 PM): thats really funny
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