Before you apply:
-Request access to each of the game's communities:
-Read the rules and F.A.Q.
-Upload at least one icon.
-Check the taken and held and wanted lists.
Once you have completed these steps, please post your application, or a link to your application, on this post. Once both mods have read and approved your application, we will post a note either accepting or declining your character.
Adds generally happen on Monday and Thursday.
Contact Information:
RP Experience: (Just for our information. It can be none at all or 328478932 years. Just be honest.)
How Did You Hear About Us?:
Full Name: (include nicknames)
Fandom/Fairy Tale/etc.:
Sexuality: (MUST be canon. No exceptions.)
Address: (Pick one from the list, describe where it sits geographically if that is important. I.e. L's house sits next to the pub on the town square so he can observe people without really being noticed...etc.)
First Person Example:(This must for the character you are apping.)
Third Person Example:(This must for the character you are apping.)
Picture for the Taken Page: (Try to make it good quality/decent size. Please DO NOT give us actual 100x100 icons.)
Just copy and paste this form:
You Name:Age:Contact Information:RP Experience: (Just for our information. It can be none at all or 328478932 years. Just be honest.)
How Did You Hear About Us?: Character Full Name: (include nicknames)
Fandom/Fairy Tale/etc.:Age:Gender: Sexuality: (MUST be canon. No exceptions.)
Address: (Pick one from the list, describe where it sits geographically if that is important. I.e. L's house sits next to the pub on the town square so he can observe people without really being noticed...etc)
History:Personality:First Person Example:(This
must for the character you are apping.)
Third Person Example:(This
must for the character you are apping.)
Picture for the Taken Page: (Try to make it good quality/decent size. Please DO NOT give us actual 100x100 icons.)