Apr 09, 2005 18:04
hey, hope u found mi new name ok. mi imaginary friend was a monster so.... yeh. his name was Fluffy. he ran away.... im so sad with out him now. he comes back to visit sometimes. hes here now. he says u have serious mental problems.... lol haha. ur probably like "woah, wuts she smokin? CAN I HAVE SOME!?" lol... sry im just really hype of of sugar. JEEZE! its 6:00!!!!!!! its as brite as ever out! neway, leave some love.
10 things you didn't need to know
1) i use to play pokemon
2) ive never been kissed by a guy
3) i got hit with a door (no, i did not run into it)
4) i spend more than half mi day on the internet...
5) I have a scar on mi ear from ear surgery
6) ive never been to New York
7) i can hurt mi brother (a big accomplishment over the years)
8) i put stamps with mi churchs name all over mi body (last year).. remember that hannah!!! good times...
9) i love u (lol, ha, u wish... unless ur 1 of 2 people.. hannah if u post there names i will seriously not talk to u until ur big going away party :-D)
10) i weigh 125 pounds.....
9 Faraway places I wish Ive traveled to:
1) ireland
2) scotland
3) france
4) new york
5) germany
6) haiwii
7) china
8) florida
9) california
8 Things to do before I die:
1) be kissed
2) write a book
3) make it through highschool
4) meet a famous actor
5) travel out of the country (or atleast to new york)
6) make all places wheelchair accesible
7) stop mi bad habbits
8) fly (not in an airplane. like, really fly)
7 Ways to get straight to my <3:
1) hold mi hand
2) dont treat me different around ur friends
3) dont lie
4) call me
5) dont try to impress me
6) dont try to impress mi parents. mi dad will get along with u either way, mi mom will hate u until the day we break up no matter what (ask mi ex. he knows)
7) ask me out in person
6 Things I firmly put my faith in:
1) sister
2) journal
3) writing
4) reading
5) family
6) friends
5 Fears:
1) worms
2) failing
3) loosing mi sister
4) never getting kissed
5) worms
4 Bedroom Favorites:
1) Window Sill
2) Teddy bear/book sanctuary
3) awesome bed
4) desk
3 Things I do everyday:
1) go online
2) chill
3) sleep
2 Things I'm trying to avoid right now:
1) peeing on miself...
2) putting mi clothes in the wash
who would you love to see right now:
1) any of mi guy friends (brendan, romare, marcus, matt, camron, brandon, paul, emmett, axel, richard, cody, stephon, stephen, charles, nick, jake...yeh..)
BTW- This Journal is friends only...so, this is the only info ur gonna get about me......