Mar 03, 2004 08:09
So... I have this 'friend' Anna... She works at the mall. And since she knows Auston, I decided to give her a message to relay to him: I told her to tell him that I miss him and that I would be there as soon as I could to talk to him.(I am, btw, talking about Auston, not Ozz10)
Well... I saw her yesterday, and she tells me the worst thing she could possibly have ever said:
Me: "Hey! So... What's new?"
Her: "Oh! I almost forgot. I gave Kiowa that message you told me to give him."
And I guess Kiowa said something along the lines of "That's cute".
I don't want him back. I mean, friendship would be great, and all, but I don't need anything like that from him. Not after what he put me through.
This means I'm OVER HIM FOR REAL!
Now I have the horrid task of searching him out and telling him my message wasn't meant for him. Although I'm flattered, I just... can't.
Oy... I'm so sadly desperate, I've asked my friends to find me someone. I hate that. I really need to just give up on guys. Most of the guys out there are retarded, or taken.
*afterthought* or both.
Oh, one more thing: I think I may like one of my best friends. Yep, Damian signed my stomach yesterday, and told me I was his. He also said he loves me, and we held hands. SO RETARDED! I know nothing will happen, because he's such a good friend of mine. And he has history with Kat. And Caitlin. But... I don't really care about that, I just don't want to ruin our great friendship. I've wondered what would happen if I just up and kissed him. I don't think anything bad would come of it, but that's not a risk I'm willing to take.
. . .
Why do I need a relationship to help define myself as a person? I'm just ossum the way I am. I shouldn't be so damned co-dependent. It's bringing me nothing but lonliness. So... I'm done, kay? FUCK dating. FUCK my stupid clinginess.
Eep! I keep saying I'm done typing, but then I think of one more thing to say!
I'm finally getting a car! And Christina and I still need to find a roommate. Meh.
And this is the last thing(I swear!): As of this moment, I am a BLONDE. And I'll wait about a month, and go over it with pink(just for Damian, and my obsession with MSI's Jimmy Urine), and I'll add a black stripe in it. Just until I can grow out the front, and cut the back. It's gonna be great. Totally 80s. Maybe I'll get some new pics put up and show you guys my new found sexiness. But not today. Oh well.