when i listen to music, there is this other world i see. it exsits inside my mind and painted on my surroundings, like reality except with icing, it's whimsicle, alluring. and these people who write the words, who play the cords, they live in this world. at least, i like to think they do. i like to think that they can see this place that cannot be conceived with the naked eye. so they tell us about it through their art, their music. and when i listen, i am there.
this is a world where they actually do play their music on the roofs of sky-scrapers and sing into the night... their music carries them over the ocean and they dip their feet in and drops of moonlight fall into the water...they can reach up at midnight and feel the velvety sky with their fingertips, they can feel the beating heart of a star. they are the mediators between the world and this other dimension where whatever you see in your mind is plausible in life.
sometimes [all the time] i see it too. i can see the rain, it's pouring. each leaf holds as much as it can before the water runs off the glossy green tip. and it is high tide. [ there is not a cloud in the sky ] here come the waves, they crash on the macaddam road.
and here is love. for it will die if you do not keep it warm. so in our hearts we keep these viles of pure emotion.
do not let your heart grow cold, for love can not live there. it dwells in the tropics, in the papyas, in the orchids, in the bright colored nature and lush vegatation. love dies in antartica, don't let love die.
and so, i climb inside my stereo and find the portal that will take me to this world. i spin on the plastic cd, the music, the sountrack on my quest.
i wish people lived like this. i know they dont. but tell me they do. i want to believe they do. i want to believe that some people can live what they imagine. for if they do, there is hope for us all.
[ and can i live out my dreams? the ones that happen in the dead of night, motion pictures playing inside my head. the filmstrips that self-destruct as soon as i wake... so i am left to decifer just exacty what i saw when i was asleep. ]
i swear if this was possible, if this was what i could look forward to... i would never waste another second seeing things as they are, but what they could, what they will be... tell me someone lives like that. tell me someone sees what i see, lives what i imagine. tell me so that one day, i will believe.