Fic: Before and After

Jan 16, 2012 00:02

Title: Before and After

Pairing: Dave/Sebastian/Rory, brief Klaine

Rating: PG

Warning: Slight Ooc for Sebastian as we don't really know much about him.

Disclaimer: Don't own glee

Summary: Before he wanted only what he coulnd't have and after he found exactly what he needed.

Notes Written for the gleempreg weekly writing challenge found here

Contrary to popular, Sebastian Smythe had lived a life full of disappointment. A life time of watching the things he wanted pass by, just out of reach.

As a child he had wanted parents who weren't strangers who dropped in between business obligations. He wanted to live in one place, instead of being bounced around considered just above the cost of shipping furniture. He wanted friends whose names he could remember, and who remember his name instead of the money in his pocket.

As a teenager he learned it wasn't the wanting things he knew he couldn't have that was as bad as the hoping for things he things he knew he could not have. He changed then, he pursued his desires at any whim and refused to anticipate there success. He pursued have already accepted the disappointment.

Until he meant Blaine. It small glitch of fantasy he fooled himself into thinking this once he stood a chance of getting what he wanted.

So, when that dream was crushed, dashed in a variety of fashions he had decided to wallow in his own disappointment, he wanted to be alone.

Clearly, he had not learned his lesson.

The bar was busy and he had no choice but to find a stool next to a larger, boy reeking of jock, the bear in all but written across his forehead. Curious at familiarity, he was unable to resist temptation and asked for a name.


He opened his mouth to give his own and to follow with some flirt line when Dave leans back, continuing,

“And this is Rory, my boyfriend.”

Once again the wanted target became unobtainable. And after Blaine, he had no desire to repeat that, just yet; so, he simply closed his mouth, smiling tightly as they told him they were just about to head back to Dave's otherwise unoccupied for the weekend dorm. He was nearly ready to turn his attention back to his beer, and order something much stronger...

“Want to join us?”

After Blaine.

He had wanted to spend the night drunk and a lone. Instead, he ended up in a strange bed with company of two others who wanted him.

He had wanted to blow off the rest of his senior year and Dalton, and escape unattached to college or elsewhere. Instead he found out the condom broke.

When the condom broke he discovered the line between losing it all and gaining everything.

When the condom broke he found an understanding, attention providing parent in Paul Karofsky who gave him a roof to live under when Dave had told Paul of the pregnancy.

And between Rory and Dave's bed he always had a place to call home.

After the condom broke, Sebastian Smythe stopped wanted things he never he could never have because suddenly he had everything he wanted.


Twenty-eight year old Kurt Hummel-Anderson pourned two glasses of punch before making his way through the reunion in search of his rather pregnant husband. He froze when he found him not too far from where he found him laughing and looking a wallet sized pictures with none other than Sebastian Smythe.

“Well, doesn't this feel like deja vu?” Kurt observed tightly

“Calm down fancy. I'm otherwise per-occupied.”

Following Sebastian's hand Kurt could finally see the man's stomach was grown farther out than Blaine's five month along abdomen.

A hand wrapped around the once cocky Warlber's waist and Kurt was forced to see Dave Karofksy kissing Sebastian with a rather deep kiss. The Hummel-Anderson's exchanged a look of curiosity at Dave's own pregnancy before the others pair took a moment to breath.

“Hey, Kurt, Blaine.”

“Dave.” Kurt replied a little tightly, “I see congratulations are in order.”

“Yeah, thanks. You, too.”

“Thanks” Blaine replied warmly while Kurt cut in, with genuine curiostity he couldn't contain.

“I read somewhere that once one partner is pregnant it hard for the other to become pregnant as well. I also heard you were still with Rory.”

As if on cue the Irish accent cut through their conversation, “Seb', Dave, t'ere you are. The babysitter just called...”

As trio walked of Kurt shook his head, no, surely had imagined that.


“Dad?” The almost ten year old asked as he adjusted his pillow as his Dad passed his open door.

“Yeah, buddy?” Sebastian leaned against the frame.

“When the babies come, who gets me?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, three daddies, three each get one now right, so you don't have to share me anymore.”

Sebastian walked slowly in and lowered himself to the side of the bed.

“What makes you think that?”

The little boy shrugged.

“Is that what you want.”


The older man smiled, “Good, because I think Da and Papa would love you too much and would be pretty angry if I tried to keep you to my self. Okay?”


“I love you, little man.”

“You too, Dad.”

Sebastian forced himself back up, stepped over the scattered toys on the floor, swithched off the light, waddling back to the couch and back to his place beside Dave and Rory.

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