Sep 11, 2007 19:17
Man, it's been a while since I actually had a substantial update. Let's start with my current life situation:
I'm living in Amherst, Massachusetts working at a sandwich/bakery/catering/coffee shop called The Black Sheep (it's something of an institution in the town) and largely loving it. I'm hoping to get a job baking bread in the back of the house, though. I have an astounding ladyfriend in Farmington, Maine named Caroline Pirri. I still prefer to bike around town rather than drive, even in the rain (like today). I'm currently playing WoW, and finally hit seventy with my holy priest (and then instantly respecc'ed to an almost exclusively healing build). I'm spending an awful lot of time playing low-level characters with my lady, though. I have a cell phone - mixed feelings there. I'm living on Pelham Road, on the second floor of an old house with my old friend Kevin (McKevin McFattypants) Hulse. I'm thinking of restarting a D+D game that I started earlier.
Ahhhh, and now for a story...
So, my parents recently broke down and bought a new stove that they're particularly fond of, and my lady and I were at their house and about to make ourselves a dinner of ravioli, so I fill up a pot of water to boil, turn on the stove, and walk outside, where I spend about ten minutes on my phone, since I have plans I need to make and don't get reception inside the house. Right as I finish, I catch a whiff of burning plastic and think "someone's having fun" and walk into the house... right as the smoke detectors start to go off. I dash upstairs and discover the stovetop has turned into an inferno... and quickly run the sink and throw several pots of water on the flames, which (thank GOD) sputter into nothingness, revealing a utterly melted and destroyed electric mixer... and a still cold pot of water for ravioli. Damage control reveals I turned on the wrong burner, have covered the entire kitchen in a thin layer of ash, every spider web in the house has been turned black (actually really cool-looking), and I've charred the bottom of the cabinets over the stove. Caroline, thankfully, does most of the clean-up because this is the icing on the cake of an absolutely HORRIBLE day. We get the stove almost completely cleaned off, make our ravioli, and have a pretty good dinner despite of everything. I call my folks - they're okay with it and we're all grateful I caught the fire when I did before things got worse. A week later my mother gets home from vacation, and calls the insurance adjustor to come and see what they think of the situation. It's worth noting at this point that my mother has wanted to replace the cabinets in the kitchen for many years. The adjustors comes in, walks around, makes some notes, takes some pictures, and declares that the entire house needs to be cleaned, the stove needs to be replaced, and we need new cabinets. And the insurance is paying for it.
in the words of my mother - "So Dan - thank you for starting the fire, but NEVER DO IT AGAIN."