Mar 25, 2007 10:39
ah, life continues to be strange.
I went contra dancing last night in Norwich, Vermont, at the site of my first contra dance. While I had been hopelessly lost and confused on that occaision, this past time I was delightfully on top of the dance... even though I wound up sitting out of the one dance of the night that had gypsying (gypsy is probably my favorite contra dance move because you can be so silly while staring someone dead in the eyes). The caller was interesting - his dances had really unusual progressions, and he used a couple of moves I had never heard of before (like a poucep - although he used it to transition into a hey for four which was really awesome looking, because it was the same dance as the gypsy that I sat out on!!!).
I still haven't really managed to start going door-to-door for jobhunting yet. I just don't feel hot coals yet, which I almost undoubtedly should at this point... I have continued applying for jobs on HERC, and I even applied to be an assistant baker at a cafe in Northampton, but if there's one thing job hunting has taught me, it's that you need to send out about fifteen billion applications before hearing from anyone... oh well. we'll figure something out...