
Jan 23, 2013 13:52

With windchill it's -1 here. I haven't been outside in a few days and I've been alone for two. I don't think this is terribly healthy, but I really don't want to go outside. I wouldn't be able to go far in this weather or feeling the way I do anyway. And since I can barely drink coffee and the coffee shop is too cold in this weather--no, thanks. The plate glass at the front of the shop just leeches in the cold.

Still queasy off and on. Not able to eat very much and still dropping weight very fast. Bleh. My mood is not great. I've rolled myself up tight in the LBD fandom and fic and also P&P fics I haven't read and that is my happy place right now.

I finally started to catch up on Doctor Who. I hadn't seen most of last season. I just watched Let's Kill Hitler. I was partially spoiled so I knew what was coming, but still. They put Hitler in a cupboard. IN A CUPBOARD.

Teeny bright spot. Someone who had a partial ms, requested the full. That doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I needed some good news. I am not counting my chickens, though it's hard not to hope a little bit.

I miss David, but I am getting used to it. I'm going down in February to hang out for a week and we skype every night even if we just sit there and David makes funny faces at me. Wooster cat will not look at the laptop screen if David talks to him. He will actually turn away, which is kind of snooty and hilarious.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth but you may comment here at LJ. ♥ There are
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