in the air

Mar 16, 2012 15:18

I'm seeing discussions of writing, writers, and Masters of Fine Arts writing programs all over today. I have a lot of thoughts about these things, as you might imagine. I'd assume anyone reading this knows I am always up for discussion about these issues, but just in case--ask me anything you want to, especially if you are considering applying for an MFA.

I have too many thoughts about how MFA programs are a largely homogenizing force in contemporary literature, but on the whole I wouldn't go back not do mine. It was a valuable experience.

It's rainy and cold and I knew that would happen after that 70 degree day, but I am so done with winter. I want to wear flip flops and short sleeves and dresses and drink iced lattes. I want the tree sex to make my eyes run and make me sneeze. The pretty is worth it.

David bought the black MoMA umbrella with the blue sky on the inside that I have been coveting FOR YEARS and he didn't take it with him today and so I have it. EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Originally posted at Dreamwidth but you may comment here at LJ. ♥ There are
comments at

unhelpful tips for writers, writing, mfa

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