so, another day

Mar 15, 2012 16:06

I don't seem to have numbness in my fingers on my right hand, which I've had after every other retreat. I think it's because I allowed other people to do more and stepped back a bit. I'm not a good delegator in the kitchen, but I am hopefully learning.

I'm desperately trying to finish a very late exchange fic, but the characters won't stop having er, relations. :/

I really want to finish this fic, in part because it is at present 6,000 words long already, and because I want to start the novel rewrite soon.

I read "Frederica" because
bookshop said it was her favorite Georgette Heyer and so now I've read that and "The Grand Sophy." I loved them both, even though I felt like I only understood a third of the weird slang in the dialogue. It's said no one talks about "making a great cake of oneself" anymore.

So, do you have a favorite Heyer?

Also I finally bought my reward, my coveted Fluevog clutch/tote, but it's gone from the website now. O_O I wonder if I got the last one. eeeeeep.

I took photos of all the wonderful Dalek and Harry Potter drawings at the coffee shop and also the funnest World of Warcraft/Star Trek TNG/Jay-Z mash up joke I've ever seen.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth but you may comment here at LJ. ♥ There are
comments at

i don't know what i'm doing, fluevogs, books, heyer

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