Photos of dogs, cookies, and Christmas

Dec 26, 2011 13:11

This is the apple pie I made yesterday. :D

And the lemon meringue:

Ginger thins, which were my stepmom's favorite cookie when she was a kid:

Our tree:

Another of my stepmom's grandmother's recipes. "Pecan balls"

We bought some lilies at the market:

Ike (the liver Dalmation) and Truman (the Lab):

Yes, my father is very into history and politics. Why do you ask?

These guys were my buddys the whole time I was baking and cooking. They ate apple peels, bits of raw Brussels sprouts, and raw flour off the floor.

Truman also eats rocks:

I used a lot of butter this week:

Least flattering photo of David ever:

He was playing video games, but he actually wasn't high, even though he looks it. (He's never tried pot. Isn't that weird? I think that's weird.)

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